Eagle Creek
01:04:55 Eagle
I was thinking that too. Their W7s almost match perfectly
Angels angels
01:04:05 [1k+ brindles] Angel
If you add a Mv glass I think that could work
Midnight Sky Stables
O ok
Auroras Of Ireland
01:03:31 Fawn (Mystic)
She just doesnt breed well with him… thats just us saying she doesnt produce good foals with certain studs
Midnight Sky Stables
Eagle how do you know she will like a boy or not this is a game she can't tell you can she?
Eagle Creek
12:55:07 Eagle
I can't seem to find a boy the she likes, but he looks promising?
-HEE Click-
Angels angels
12:48:28 [1k+ brindles] Angel
Pmed you
Transformers Acres
12:46:36 Geek

I'll help!
Angels angels
12:43:00 [1k+ brindles] Angel
I am so tempted to buy this horse... does anyone want to help me decide?
Midnight Sky Stables
Thanks lone star
The Lone Star
It seems to be:
From easiest breed to hardest breed. As I've noticed.
Willow Grove
12:38:45 Stalker of Chat
If all goes well ill have my first TB embryo next month too 👀
Midnight Sky Stables
Really? Paw if that is the case how do I get over the way the art looks there scary as adults to me they look like they have no soul there is nothing wrong with the art at all there just scary to me for some reason.
Pawpaw Creek Ponies
12:35:59 Sonny or Red
Midnight Sport horses are your best bet.
Midnight Sky Stables
What are the easiest horse breeds here to get good ratings and color from? Without it being to easy? also I don't have any starter horses because I lost them along time ago they probably retired how do I get more?
Painted View Ranch
12:35:10 PVR Paint/Painted
Come join us for Afternoon Trivia
topics are Famous Horses, Countries and Cultures, The Evolution of Popular Music

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Willow Grove
12:33:17 Stalker of Chat
Im really excited for it ^^ I got the embryo this month and ill sven it next. My lines havent been super kind to me so I figured it was time to look at broods again
The Joker
12:31:07 Ari <3
Ooh I like that Willow!
Stellar Strides
12:30:30 Stellar or Red
What do yall think of this match? -HEE Click-
Is it worth the money because I only have $117,000 and $30,000 in my savings account.
Willow Grove
12:30:25 Stalker of Chat
-HEE Click-
The mares production isnt the best but they match so good, im hoping itll turn out good. I havent bought outside broods in literal years
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Horse Page

PPP Thoroughbred Stallion

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Color: Brown Buckskin Tobiano Sabino Rabicano Frame
Horse Nbr: 1269262
Breed: Thoroughbred
Sex: Stallion
Birthdate: August 2, 2011
Age: Deceased
Birth Year: 25
Straws Drawn: 0
Height: 15.3 Hands

 Rainbow Bridge
Barn: Rainbow Bridge

Breeder: Former Stable
Sire: ⚶Shivers Down My Spine
Dam: Snowball Fight**~
Foals This Year: 0
Bravery: Unknown (0%)

Sales HistoryGenetic Test

Ridden by: Nobody
Training In: All Disciplines
Training Sessions: 22

Eventing Level: 7 Intermediate
Dressage Level: 7 Intermediare
Cross Country Level: 7 Intermediate
Jumping Level: 7 Advanced
Show Experience: 76

Training Gauge

 Managed Shows
Horse is Rated:
Dressage: Premium
Cross Country: Premium
Show Jumping: Premium

Color Rarity: 1 of 4

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