Legacy Leagues
06:55:40 Alyssa
Thank you-it was a very aggressive auction session lol I made a friend out of it somehow too

I hope she performs well for them next RO.
Hickory Park Farm
06:54:51 Stone Haven/Court
Oooo lovely mare Alyssa *_* <3
Legacy Leagues
06:54:21 Alyssa
-HEE Click-

Very pleased with her production thus far <3
Beltane Eventers
06:50:58 Bel - BB
after my flops today im very happy with her
MC Ace
06:49:28 McFossil
Nice Bel
06:47:13 Tahiri
Bel - congrats! Beautiful!
Beltane Eventers
06:46:09 Bel - BB
holy cow
-HEE Click-
Angels angels
06:44:19 [1k+ brindles] Angel
Very cute!
06:43:38 Tahiri
This is an unusual combo of brindle and leopard -HEE Click-
MC Ace
06:40:40 McFossil
Strong baby
Lucky Ducky Lane
That's a huge jump on the LB 👀👀
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
06:35:07 Ally 💜
Would you want an apricot E colt? @Prag
06:33:15 Prag/Liz
I do Ally.
Willow Grove
06:31:53 Stalker of Chat
I (unintentionally) do XC SH
Angels angels
06:31:35 [1k+ brindles] Angel
4 chimmys but no brindles?
MakeEm Fancy
06:31:19 Ally 💜
Anybody do SD SH?
The Joker
06:30:37 Ari <3
Oooh lovely!
Angels angels
06:29:57 [1k+ brindles] Angel
-HEE Click-
.-. Seriously
Angels angels
06:25:20 [1k+ brindles] Angel
-HEE Click-
Jeesus dude come on xDD
Pegasus Lane
06:23:15 Peggy (or) Peg
Wow she is fancy, Angel!
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View Sales
 Year: 188   Season: Spring   $: 0 Sat 06:55pm CST  
 Forecast: Mostly Sunny with some High Clouds

Horse Page

ts. Intuition EWW
EWW Irish Sport Horse Stallion

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ts. Intuition EWW

Color: Light Bay Roan Splash White
Horse Nbr: 37954349
Breed: Irish Sport Horse
Sex: Stallion
Birthdate: June 1, 2024
Age: 10
Birth Year: 179
Straws Drawn: 0
Height: 16 Hands

 top shelf equestrian
Barn: ii. ish ad breeding

 top shelf equestrian
Brand: None
Sire: ʙ Walking Wisdom
Dam: ts. Camisado EEE
Foals This Year: 2
Bravery: Sub-Par (0%)

Sales HistoryGenetic Test

Ridden by: Nobody
Training In: All Disciplines
Training Sessions: 38

Eventing Level: 6 Intermediate Novice
Dressage Level: 6 Prix St George
Cross Country Level: 6 Intermediate Novice
Jumping Level: 6 Intermediate
Show Experience: 158

Training Gauge

 Managed Shows
Horse is Rated:
Dressage: Elite
Cross Country: World Class
Show Jumping: World Class

Color Rarity: 1 of 691

Current Leaderboard Standings
Best Cross Country Sires - Irish Sport HorsePlacing: #43
Best Eventing Sires - Irish Sport HorsePlacing: #58
Best Bravery Sires - Irish Sport HorsePlacing: #71
Best Jumping Sires - Irish Sport HorsePlacing: #74


4: 1/1/1/2/2/2
5: 2/2/2/2/2/2
7: 2/2/2/2/3/2
8: 3/2/3/3/3/3
9: 3/3/3/3/3/3
10: 3/3/3/3/3/4
11: 3/3/4/3/4/4
12: 4's
14: 4/4/4/4/5/5
15: 4/4/5/5/5/5
16: 5's
18: 5/5/6/5/6/6
19: 6/5/6/6/6/6
20: 6's
21: 6/6/6/6/7/7
22: 6/6/7/6/7/7
23: 7/6/7/7/7/7
24: 7/7/7/7/7/8
25: 7/7/7/7/8/8
26: 7/7/8/7/8/8
27: 8's
28: 8/8/8/8/9/9
30: 8/8/9/8/9/9
31: 989999
32: 9/9/9/9/10/10
34: 9/9/10/9/10/10
35: 10/9/10/10/11/11
37: 1

Minimum Rating allowable for breeding (any combination): EEE

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