Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Winter   
$: 0
Forecast: Warming, with Sleet and Heavy Icing
Mon 04:18pm  
Stables Online:  123 
Flame Lily Equine
04:07:55 Queen/Lily/Flame
I have 12 EEE brood mares up for breeding! Each is 1.5k, NO min breeding rating!
-HEE Click-
Rainy ruins
-HEE Click-

$500 EEE-PPP
RFS Thoroughbreds
03:59:55 TB's ONLY ✨
Might want to take a peak here, whether its the horse coat of your dreams, the best of your imagination, or even a choice from me, they're all waiting. So order yourself a piece today!
-HEE Click-
Crestwood Equestrian
03:30:53 Ivy
I have SH, ISH, and PONs for sale!
Portrait Paints Stud
03:14:28 Dulcie Is Painting
Freshman Stud will need tested!
He's Toto Tobiano
WEE regiments
Pm me to receive a straw 189
Please use all straws 189
Port Royal Equines
02:47:24 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Taking offers on this W producing LB manchado sire.

-HEE Click-
EEE & EWW mares for sale. Cheap! Some are W producers.

-HEE Click-
Buckskin stable set at auction! Ends tonight.
Royal Mews
02:37:37 Claudia
WWW straws available
-HEE Click-
02:29:00 Cassie
looking for a 3 month upgrade if anyone has any available
The Pirate King
02:24:05 The Armada
-HEE Click- color and show horses for sale
Fluffy's Cosy Home
02:16:00 Fluffy
-HEE Click-

I have:
*WWW/WW Straws
*Items in my store
*Sale horses
-HEE Click-

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Fossil's Dreams
04:18:09 PK or Fossil
I right click & it's no go into chat
Fossil's Dreams
04:17:44 PK or Fossil
it's everything
The Old Gods
04:17:26 Void Malign
it's probably one of the pages that has the new searchable drop down
PK Rescue Stable
04:17:05 Fossil-sore
I assume no else has the problem as I would see chat blowing up?
PK Rescue Stable
04:14:40 Fossil-sore
i cant copy paste into chat?? this old computer has seen it's last days I'm afraid.
04:13:38 Versa
Hmmmm... I've found a Shutterstock background I'd like to transform and play with.
Willow Grove
04:12:11 Stalker of Chat
Oh I love the shine on that, Imp!
Willow Grove
04:11:54 Stalker of Chat
Oo AA match 👀
Imperial Warmbloods
04:10:30 Imp/Impie
I think I`m svenning this one.. >->
-HEE Click-
Midnight Manors
04:10:10 Bunny ♡
Ooohhhh exiting :3
Silver Wishes Farm
04:10:07 Ayleena
Good luck!
PK Rescue Stable
04:09:04 Fossil-sore
do trust that there is a special mare mating with a super stud and they are AA-last time they threw EWW no glass so/
Midnight Manors
04:07:51 Bunny ♡
Lol it's alright Fossil
Willow Grove
04:07:41 Stalker of Chat
You did! Congrats lol
PK Rescue Stable
04:07:26 Fossil-sore
Wow it passed real quick at first!
I am happy but feel bad for the rest of yinz, I really do
PK Rescue Stable
04:06:40 Fossil-sore
Willow I had it for at least 10 minutes after you had it. the problem with having a small crowd in raid but this time I got super dooper lucky!
Midnight Manors
04:06:40 Bunny ♡
I had it, and then PK stole it from me immediately lol
Willow Grove
04:05:22 Stalker of Chat
Dang! XD
I had it for a good couple minutes, looked away to do some work, looked back and it was gone lol
PK Rescue Stable
04:04:48 Fossil-sore
and Willow grabbed it from me first lol
Silver Wishes Farm
04:04:00 Ayleena
Willow - I grabbed it from you and got super excited! The game ended and I went to check and found out PK stole it from me in the very last second. Bummer!

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Horse Page

⚜️Holy One⚜
EEW Sport Horse Mare

→ Horse Eden is a fun game! Go To Front Page!


⚜️Holy One⚜

Color: Blue Roan Sabino
Horse Nbr: 23255685
Breed: Sport Horse
Sex: Mare
Birthdate: August 1, 2020
Age: Deceased
Birth Year: 133
Height: 17.2 Hands

 Rainbow Bridge

Pasture: Hay

 Golden KNN
Brand: None
Sire: ས Holy Crap
Dam: ✯ Euros ✯
Foals This Year: 0
Bravery: Sub-Par (0%)

Sales History

Ridden by: Nobody
Training In: All Disciplines
Training Sessions: 74

Eventing Level: 10 Schoolmaster
Dressage Level: 9 International
Cross Country Level: 9 International
Jumping Level: 10 Schoolmaster
Show Experience: 208

Training Gauge


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