Angels angels
08:28:08 [1k+ brindles] Angel
You can get custom colors or if you like the regular colors, I am sure you can find someone who is willing to just enlarge the text for you.
Whiskeystar Farm
08:27:37 Whiskey
Guess I should've paid more attention lol
Whiskeystar Farm
08:27:15 Whiskey
Thank you! I never really had an interest in palettes so I hadn't actually bothered looking into them much
Angels angels
08:24:11 [1k+ brindles] Angel
Yes they can change the whole site. They were only working on some pages because the site is being updated, but yesterday the owner turned them back on to work on the whole site again. There are still some kinks being worked out and a lot of the old palettes the coding doesn't work on the updated pages, but you can get a new updated palette
Whiskeystar Farm
08:21:46 Whiskey
Oh do palettes change the whole site? I always assumed they just applied to your stable page for some reason
Angels angels
08:19:30 [1k+ brindles] Angel
You can get a palette with the text enlarged
Whiskeystar Farm
08:15:44 Whiskey
Idk if there's really anything I can do about it but the new UI changes have made the site display in such a way that most text is too small for me to read without zooming in and most images are too small to see any detail (and they don't get larger if I zoom). I have a fairly old computer and a lot of websites don't run correctly so I know the issue is on my end lol
Rain Plains
08:12:27 Kelan/Rain
Morning all
Crazy Idea Ranch
08:10:05 Willow~color breeder
Bye everyone
Crazy Idea Ranch
08:09:03 Willow~color breeder
Angels angels
08:08:40 [1k+ brindles] Angel
I am not at 2k yet lol
I only have 1,382
Crazy Idea Ranch
08:05:33 Willow~color breeder
I think you need to switch that to [2k Brindles] XD
Angels angels
08:04:22 [1k+ brindles] Angel
Ooooo Pretty!
Crazy Idea Ranch
08:02:41 Willow~color breeder
-HEE Click-
That's a beautiful brindle
Crazy Idea Ranch
07:57:05 Willow~color breeder
-HEE Click-
Why couldn't that of been a E or even a W
God is Mighty Stable
07:50:36 Willow ~ KNN Breeder
I'm not premium sadly, so I can't
Worldclass Warmblood
07:49:18 Tia
Im gonna head to bed now guys, goodnight everyone xx
Sunstone Elite
07:48:24 Sun/Sunny
4 if you pull embryos.
God is Mighty Stable
07:47:55 Willow ~ KNN Breeder
-HEE Click-
I only get two more foals from her! :(
flying fillies
07:47:31 Tia
Trying to create Auctions when i live in australia is a absolute mess xD i can never get the times right the first time (im half asleep whenever i play this game)
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View Sales
 Year: 187   Season: Winter   $: 0 Thu 08:28am CST  
 Forecast: Bright Sunshine with a few High Clouds

Horse Page

Ⓓ EPP ~Docs Rebel~
EPP Appendix Quarter Horse Mare

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Ⓓ EPP ~Docs Rebel~

Color: Smokey Blue Roan
Horse Nbr: 29665417
Breed: Appendix Quarter Horse
Sex: Mare
Birthdate: March 11, 2022
Age: Deceased
Birth Year: 152
Height: 16.3 Hands

 Rainbow Bridge
Barn: Rainbow Bridge

 Calla Lily Farm
Sire: Tj Docs Echo
Dam: Rebel Thunder
Foals This Year: 0
Bravery: Unknown (0%)

Sales History

Ridden by: Nobody
Training In: Dressage
Training Sessions: 47

Eventing Level: 5 Preliminary
Dressage Level: 6 Prix St George
Cross Country Level: 6 Intermediate Novice
Jumping Level: 5 Training
Show Experience: 54

Training Gauge

 Managed Shows
Horse is Rated:
Dressage: Elite
Cross Country: Premium
Show Jumping: Premium

Color Rarity: 1 of 3144

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