
Hello I have maybe sort of a stupid question. I currently enter all my horses into shows manually as I keep track of who to show when with a calendar. I have under 100 horses at the moment so it's not too much of a hassle but it can be kind of annoying at time. So, would it be better to use the barn manager? I understand that the horses only get entered once they are at the stage that they will place well and actually earn? I'm not sure lol. Is it that big of a loss if BM enters them the week that they are not ready or? Any tips are welcome. Thank you in advance!

Yes, you do actually lose money if she enters them just at any week. In fact, you'll be lucky if you even break even over time lol. You definitely want her to enter them specifically when they're competitive. . That being said... I also feel that she enters them TOO early, to be honest. I have her managing 400 and, you know? I earn enough to pay my riders and really no more...
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I 100% agree with Versa. If you were to use the Barn Manager, make sure to have her show horses that are competitive. With my experience, she tends to enter AD horses far too early so I only have her showing the SD horses I have. I did notice a difference when I made that switch from having her showing AD and SD to showing only SD. I hope this helps, :)
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