Hey! I am looking for a breeding parter, as I think I'm establishing well now. I am breeding TB and ISH, though my ISH is slowly dying out now lol. I bred this year a Svenned prlSpl TB colt though! He is doing okay so far and I am so excited for him!
Anyway, looking for a person who is willing to trade embryos/broods and straws with me and who is in for a chat sometimes!
I would be open to a breeding partner if you're still looking! I'm at a similar point to you with TB, I think... One WWW boy currently sitting halfway up the TBLB and a few decent WW combo mares. Slowly getting some color into my lines too as I have nearly filled out my collection of base coats with my mares. Would love to swap broods/embs/straws and trade thoughts on matches. PM me it you're interested! (If anyone else is interested y'all are welcome to pm me as well <3)