Looking for SD stallions to breed lease for year 186 or 187. Looking to use all 20 live covers. Any breed and discipline, strongly prefer on the SD leaderboard somewhere but will consider non-LB if they have a lot of color.
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I'd be open to leasing this guy, just PM me if you are interested. :)
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W/A/Sub Tobi Pon Boy Was #87 DPONLB Last Year W/A/Sub Dun + Appy Pon Boy Was #100 DPONLB 2 Years Back, Didn't Use Him Last Year W/A/Sub Tobi + Frame Pon Boy Undebueted/Non-LB W/A/A Tobi + Appy Short SH Boy P/W/E Creme, Frame, Spash TB W/S/Sub Dun, Splash TB W/A/Sub Pearl, Tobi, Frame TB S/E/W Tobi Splash TB Or any of my other boys are avaliable if you want to go through the others <3
Colorful #20 AADLB #39 PONJLB #15 KNNJLB . Or I have some other non LB colorful studs I could loan too :)
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Thanks everyone! Keep them coming, I'll be messaging everyone soon.
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I have plenty of W SD especially D TB and J WB, I would especially appreciate the freshies used :) Lots of color, also willing to sell many at low prices <3
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I know he's not good. But, SD (D) 1 of 7 AA boy! I'd be willing to lease him to ya!
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I have multiple LB boys in here I also have these boys that I could lease out if you were wanting to lease them. PON on jumping board and the ABLB jumping board RID on XC board and ABLB XC board WB on Dressage board and ABLB dressage board
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Do you plan on actually matching or just throwing 20 random mares? I own the #1 SHDLB/#10 DABLB stud and I'd lease him out for a price.
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I have many many LB KNN boys that you are more than welcome to use for free. I don't have enough mares to cover them all as much as I'd like. If you want individual links let me know and I'll PM them to you.