Hi Everyone!
Theres alot of great artists here on HEE, and a ton of new artists coming up on the scenes.
This is really great!
But with so many artists, I have seen some toes being stepped on.
I'm writing this to bring Artistic Courtesy to light. I'm sure it hasnt even crossed some peoples minds.
Ideas are not copywrited.
But taking or copying someone's idea is a great way to step on some toes.
While its super and awesome to take inspiration from others, doing so with the same BG or Stock horse is a No-No.
That's a great way to make some enemies.
If someone used a really unique background, it is courteous to wait a few weeks/months before using it in a similar manner.
There will always be a horse in a field. But, theres not many horses in rainbow fields with UFOS. So if someone puts a horse in a rainbow field with UFOS,
It's probably not a good idea to make a horse in a rainbow field with UFOS.
If one person used a stock horse, turned it black and gave it rainbow glowing eyes... it would be considered rude to use
the same stock horse, make it black, and give it rainbow glowing eyes. That's a no-no.
Always make sure to look at the comments on a stock piece and see if it has been used in a recent piece, in a similar style.
Thats a very easy way to make sure you aren't going to hurt someones feelings.
Art is supposed to be unique. You will be a much more respectable artist if you are making one of a kind pieces with your own ideas instead of copying someone elses. :D
Just thought i'd bring this to attention. So everyone remembers to be mindful and respectful of each other.
Have a great day everyone!