Does scaling an image down always kill the quality? I just got close to being done with an image and decided to scale it down to the correct size before I started putting credits and final touches on it, but now it is super pixely and gross looking. Thanks!
Do you mean the the size (500x500px) or the quality (100kb)?
Ginger Acres said: Do you mean the the size (500x500px) or the quality (100kb)?
The size. I had an image that was like 3000x3000 and when I went to scale it down to 500x500 it was super grainy and awful looking.
That's becaude that's way to high to raise to 500× without losing quality Try using 1000× next time ;)
What Scarlett said. Programs like PS can conserve a lot of quality when resizing, but 3000 to 500 can affect quality.