So, I am an artist. I used GIMP, but my computer broke and now I'm trying to find something i can get back into doing art. I have an ipad, and downloaded Ibis Paint X. For an example of recent piece i completed, go to my stable bio. Would like critique on that. I need help with determining what canvas size to use. I tried to make a horse avatar, but resized it and it was super blurry and pissed me off lol. Any ideas what canvas size top use for horse avatars and stable sets? Also, body prep. Cutting out i think I'm good with, but like, What do i do to the horses body? The smudge tool is super weird to me, and i don't want a 'plastic' look to the horse. I want something sharp, natural. How do you get the final art piece under the HEE standards to work, also? Like how horse avatars have to be under 100bytes? Thanks in advance, Quizzical! <3 Edited at February 23, 2020 02:01 PM by Quizzical Quarters
For the body I use the blur tool but on a lower opacity, definitely lower it when you get to the face For horse avatars I just use the 500x500 size I don't resize as I know that it won't come out as nice lol
Thought I'd be easier to comment. On here instead dof pming you Prep I do highlights on a soft light with a white, using the bout and smudge tools on very low opacity to blend in I do shadows exactly like above but with a black brush To figure out where shadows and highlights go just follow the horse stocks original shadows and highlights howeber you'll be making them pop with these new layers (shadows on one clipping layer and highlights on another clipping layer) Next I duplicate the original horse layer and put it under the shadow and highlights, I Put this layer on alpha lock and have the blue tool on around 15-35%, alter size when needed, I smudge out the basic areas till its mostly just basic colour, I once done I lower the opacity of that layer till I'm happy, after that, if needed I'll add more shadows and highlights on two more layers if needed to add details that have possibly been lost If possible on your version of ibis I'd duplicate that horse layer once all layers have been merged and play around with unshsro mask found in the blur section of the filters, I then clip that layer to the original horse layer and lower opacity of needed Will update this post in a bit
Go with what sunset says, she's an amazing artist
Alright, first time painting hair!
Edited at February 26, 2020 02:12 PM by Quizzical Quarters
i know you got this sorted, but just a friendly tip :) on ibispaint X, the canvas will akways look the same size (not with different canvas lengths and widths though) so when you are making say a horse avi, you can put it as 2000 by 2000 but it will still come up on bis as the same size as 500 by 500 would come up, with maybe an about us, you could do 1200 by 800 or you could do 2000 by 1600, they come up the same in ibis but you then have to resize them and it makes them blurry. same goes for all other sizes :) and that piece is gorgeous <3
Another recent I'm looking for critique!!