Not looking for critique, just pricing help. Last time I asked for critique I got somewhat negative comments, so this time I'm just asking for pricing help :) Recently I made the move from tier 3 up to tier 2. I have my art priced at an average of 60k. I just wanted a few other opinions. Higher, lower, or just right? Help would be much appreciated :D
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I would say they're good! Maybe a teensy bit lower? Just to gather some more customers. Not saying you don't get a lot already lol And on a totally different note that horse with antlers is absolutely adorable *^*
Maybe a touch lower if you aren't getting very many orders, the only issue I really see with your art is the tails don't mesh super well with the background :)
I think 60k or so is good pricing
I would say your prices are good, you can maybe raise them a bit. I absolutely love your style and how you do the bodies and hair.