-HEE Click- Some FLASHY lookers, CHEAP mares and stallions for sale! I don't have room for them. Majority only 1,000ebs ISH, WB, X, AA, TB and more! Get them before they GO TO FREE RANGE. Flaxen, Dun, Buckskin, Perlino, Pearl, Grullo, Silver, Amber and many more shiny genes and markings regularly coming through.
Hello! I have been wondering how to make jewellery(for horse/ wolf manips) do you take a photo of real jewellery and blend it/add to it a little? I am super confused.. help is by far appreciated
Well, My technique of doing Jewelry is infact finding a reference, I may change a few things to make it seem a bit different like little charms, etc, But if thats not your cup of tea you can always find jewelry stock on Deviant art to adjust/change to your liking.