
Hi! so I started a rp with Kyubi and they haven't replied/have been MIA for months now... but i'm still wanting to do a rp like this... I'd love to continue from where Kyubi and I left off (No disrespect to Kyubi obviously Kyubi is an amazing rp partner.) but I understand thats not always possible so i'm willing to start off from scratch. https://horseeden.com/forums.php?f=62&t=51946 Here is the link to the rp please do NOT post there! This is mostly a refrence for you to get an idea of what we were going for... I have some ideas Kyubi and I were going to do that i'd still like to do... (we can talk about them and you can bounce off your own ideas too) We had a Beauty and the Beast kind of rp with a twist :3 If you're interested Please do mail me or post here :) Also have a look at my stable bio for my rp rules/Guidelines thank you! (Edited) Edited at June 4, 2022 05:20 PM by MarbleFox Manor