-HEE Click- I forgot this boy has varnish...... I love the saturated colors, the sooty, and the specific sabino pattern...... butnthe varnish is gonna make it all hazy when he grows up....
I used to show everything that had the ratings for it, but it got a little overwhelming once I started getting more geldings lol so now I just focus on them
Fossil, I'm planning on saving for premium on all my accounts after capture day. Also, in the future, is it ok if I PM you and ask you about showing stuff?
Just gotta get this one off my bosom...is the strategy of quitting Leaves before you lose the game to another team acceptable? Or is it considered cheating? I always finish the game and get rid of my lower leaves. So far I've won 12 and lost 4. I call THAT strategy I've never been a quitter.
I'd like to think that people aren't doing that and the games they "quit" are just them getting busy or internet acting up. It doesn't happen all that often anyways
I too like to try to play to the end even if I'm loosing, but I have had times where something has happened in real life(like a phone call) and I forget or can not get back in time to check the game. I could also see firstlights point about wifi problems too. I mean it could happen. But I think most of us on here like to play to the end anyways. :)
Even when I lose I still play,but where I live I only get 2 signal bars max and have shitty wifi so I often quit not only leaves but it ends up kicking me from Nigel