Well good news and bad news. Good news is I convinced my roommate to sell her place so we could get a new better place. And before you all jump on me for being mean there's a reason why I had to do this. She trashed her house completely due to depression. She hadn't cleaned it in over 4 years. She didn't let me know the condition of the place before I moved in. I've been slowly cleaning it, but I can't do it on my own. So I finally told her something has to be done or she's going to be reported to the housing authority if something breaks down that we can't fix. And guess what? She went to change the filter one day for the well water, and we had no water. I was able to get a new pressure switch within a day or two. She changed it out and didn't hook it up for nearly a month because she didn't put it together before attaching it to the nipple. Well I get back from a pet sitting gig (and I loved being able to take a shower or bath on my terms and not going to a friends house to take a shower), and its still not fixed. I get the switch hooked up. Well nothing happened when we turned the pwer back on. A friend of hers orginally said she was going to help me clean the house, but noped out after one day. I can't say I blame her. When that happened I convinced my roommate to call We Buy Ugly Houses to do a property swap. After that we had another friend come in to take a look at the water. Turns out it was the pump controller that finally gave up. But I get yelled at by her friend when he saw the house for the way it was. I told him I'm the only one working on cleaning the place, since she won't do shit. He's lucky I didn't go off more. I don't like being blamed for something I didn't do. And the way I see it I don't mind helping cleaning, but I shouldn't have to do all of it since I didn't create the mess. The good news is we are able to do the property swap, and the house we're moving into is a duplex type, so I get my one space again and it'll be easier to keep clean. I'm not going to let the new place get to the point her current home is. And I'm going to have to convince her to crate or lock her puppy in a room with potty pads when neither of us is home due to the fact that she lets the pup go wherever he wants in the house when we're both not home, and if she doesn't want to take him out to the yard in the middle of night.