I noticed when I was trying to use the rider consolidation on Thunder River's account that its not consolidating. At first I thought it was just consolidating to riders of the same training (jump riders to jump riders), but when I started just switching all the riders that needed horses to eventing and then hit consolidate again it still wasn't. Am I still doing something wrong or is there a bug maybe?
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Administrator |
Can you give a better discription or examples?
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I used my own riders for the example here. I don't know that it makes a difference that my horses aren't always training in the same discipline as the rider...
This first pic I just did a straight consolidate after I reassigned all my leveled up riders. It looks like it did ok on my account consolidating riders in each discipline, but between cross country and jumping they aren't consolidated. On Thunder River's account when I did this it didn't always consolidate w/in disciplines (jump/jump) let alone between other disciplines (jump/cc).
Next I thought well, maybe I need to switch all my riders that still have open spots left over to the same discipline so I chose to make them all disciplines (only did level 8 & 9 riders for the example).
It did good on the level 8 riders, but didn't quite consolidate all the level 9 riders. Is that because both of those riders have 0 experience? On TR's account it didn't even do that well. Maybe she has more 0 experience riders.
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