I am having trouble with my mailbox, specifically saving messages.
If a stable sends me a PM and I want to move it to "Save," I have no problem with that. However, its when I want to move a PM I sent out into Saved, it deletes it.
For instance, I just did a mass delete of PMs from my inbox and I thought I saved whatever I needed saving. As it turns out, I deleted a post to my RP partner by mistake. So, I went to my outbox to save it from there so I could look back upon it to write my next response from where that one left off. I got a notification above where it says "Your Mailbox" that the message had been moved to Saved, however, when I went to look for the message, it was not there. I checked my outbox again and it wasn't there either.
Not entirely sure this is a "bug" but id like to know if it's happening to anyone else and get it on the list to be fixed whenever it can be.
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I have never - in the two years playing - been able to save a PM I sent out in my saved file.
I have only ever been able to save PMs sent to me from other players and just imagined that was the way it was supposed to be.
My answer to this is to take screen shots of my sent PMs if I think I might need it later, to go with the other players' saved PM ;)
(Though I would love to be able to just save them.)
Administrator |
That is so great! Thank you Eve :)
Thanks Eve, I had the same problem, but no one responded XD.
I think there are some sending and receiving issues going on with the mailbox... people aren't getting replies that I've sent them and I have to send a message 2-4 times just to get it through...