Basically, I've noticed very small grammatical errors/typos on the site over the time I've played and recently wondered if they could be fixed. I don't know much about coding but I figured they are small and would probably be fixable (if not, oh well).
-In Explore, when you first discover a horse's bravery: "It's bravery is Sub-Par" should be "Its bravery is Sub-Par"
-In the Game Guide, under Your Horse, under Natural Horse Death: "The chance starts low and increased a bit each year" should be "The chance starts low and increases a bit each year"
-In the Game Guide, under Pastures: "the pasture will grow back it's grass" should be "the pasture will grow back its grass"
-In the Game Guide, under Buying A Horse / Horse Search: "If you would like to search for a horse to buy, or a stud to breed to, The place to do that..." should be "If you would like to search for a horse to buy, or a stud to breed to, the place to do that..."
I am going to update this as I remember where I saw other ones. If you've noticed any, feel free to comment as well. Edited at August 14, 2019 04:10 PM by Night Shadow Stables
There is also one when you refresh the page after bookmarking a topic on the forum
"You are have already bookmarked that topic"
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Also in Game Guide under Your Stable under the text there are a couple of random punctuation lol it has ";
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