I just recently wanted to start blogging again, so I created one all nice and neat, hit submit, and it looked lovely and organized. So, I went onto the second blog entry for that topic, hit submit, and it also looked lovely and organized.
However, I forgot to add something to the first one, so I went back to fix it and the entire blog area was covered in long, drawn out coding from where I used bold, italic, underline, center, etc., and when I went to edit it, it showed the same in the edit box.
I'd hate to type them both up all over again, as I already had to redo them once due to me forgetting to put tags on and the game getting rid of what I had initially typed. I am hoping it can be a simple fix, as I'm sure others could be experiencing the same as well. I remember the blogs having issues with coding awhile ago, and that's why I quit making them fancy, but I decided to try again with no luck, haha.
EDIT: The Remove Code button takes away literally every code from what was typed. It does it for me in the forums too, where it takes away anything bolded, italicized, centered, etc., even the entered spacing between paragraphs like how I am typing now. Therefore if I click it, it will leave me with a large block of text.
EDIT #2: So I noticed that if I just go into my blog (the most recently added one pops up), the one that I recently typed up shows up without messed up coding. However, if I click on the name of the blog entry within the folder, it will return back to messed up coding.
Pre-click, when I just load into my blogs.
Post-click, after going through the folder to click on the blog post itself.
Edit #3: I ended up just deleting both and re-typing them again without coding. I figured it would just be easier that way. However, if there is a fix to the problem I had, I'd love to try again with the coding. Clicking the Remove Code button got rid of everything that was bugged outside of the box entirely, while also just removing all of the coding within the box like I stated would happen in my first edit.
I hope I am giving enough information to help the issue be resolved. I was trying to be thorough. :D