I've noticed with two different RPs that the character counter in game mail does not seem to be counting correctly, unless I am missing something. A few of my RPs get some massive responses, but they are counter is still showing something around 2000/5000 left. That should mean that I have 2000 characters left and am safe to send in one message, right? Well, when I send those messages, they end up being broken on the other end and I am missing several lines of work. While it's easy enough to copy/paste and send the RP to myself first to see if it needs to be sent broken into several messages, that defeats the purpose of the counter, and it is curious that the counter is so off. An RP partner said this was happening in another one of their games too, so it isn't just mine.
Is there some coding thing that takes up character space but isn't showing up in the counter? Edited at July 11, 2017 03:52 PM by Fox Trot Farms
Administrator |
This should be fixed now, thanks.
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Cadence Farms said: This should be fixed now, thanks.
That was very quick! Thank you! I'll post an update when I get to typing something large!
This is still happening. =/ Coping is not that big of a problem as the posts always seem to get cut off around the same character count, but I thought I should let you know.
I had a post cut off when it said I had 2500 characters left, and an RP partner of mine had theirs cut off with 2200 characters left. Edited at July 17, 2017 05:21 PM by Fox Trot Farms
Administrator |
Ok, I think it should be fixed now.
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Wonderful! Thank you again! ^_^ I'll let you know if I see anything.