So, I'm just gonna plunk this down. There's been nearly daily lag issues with HEE since about January, that I've been able to notice. This can range from pages loading extremely slowly, all the way to the cloudflare error page (Error 524). Occassionally, the page will just time out completely. I haven't been able to pin down a time frame on when it's happening. It seems to be heaviest when there's a lot of people on/HEE prime time, but I've also encountered issues late at night when there's sub-50 people online. Other issues I've seen people have problems with include logging in and using the horse search.
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This has been happening to me alot lately
I have been having this issue constantly with the horse search specifically when I try to search for horses by stable numbers
Moderator |
I find that with the horse search, it lags a lot when searching by specific things like horse name, stable number, horse number, etc. I don't have many problems with it otherwise for the most part. As for the site lagging, for example, today it the site itself wouldn't load for a good 10-15 minutes when I opened the site in an attempt to log in.
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Yes! Takes longer than usual to load anything!
Been having this issue for a while as well. Some days itll load fine. Some days... one page loads. And then it will have issues for 15min or more. I always check to see if it is my wifi or service - other sites work fine. Can be many people or barely any on. Horse search REALLY lags as well as some of the LBs - usually breed specific. I notice more issues with KNNLB and RIDLB. Will randomly happen across pages. Can be scrolling through my horses to track or whatever and one page loads perfect and the next times out.
Me as well, and I have cleared cookies and cache.
On the first last month or the month before the site was completely down for I believe a couple hours. This month later in the day I couldn't even open the website. It would say "server quit responding" and was just the blank page
I've been having the sae isssue! The site has been laggy for me for a while now, but this week ive noticed i havent been able to use the horse search at all, it loads till a point of timing out error happens.
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Administrator |
Im aware of the lag. I know what is causing it. But I dont have a solution for it at this time. It is not an easy fix.
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