I have a horse on my team that I am 90% sure I entered on the 1st of November. Today I noticed he has no points on the team despite showing and placing since the 1st. ~ ~ I tried removing him from the team and then reading him this morning. But I don't think that did anything because under "Association" it does not show that he is a part of anything. When I readded him this morning I used the new feature, but I am almost positive that I used the old method when I added him the first time ~ Nov 10th Edit I originally had 5 horses on my team and this morning when I logged on. Tonight I only have 2? I usually FR my level 10 boys so I assumed maybe they levelled up and I FR them, but my account only shows 2 FR horses and under "retrieve FR horses" not one horse shows. So I don't think I accidentally FR half of my team. So at some point today I had horses go poof from my team... Edited at November 10, 2023 07:36 PM by Ranch Lands Training
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I'm having the same problem with all of my teams from what I can tell. Horse and team. The horse in question earned 3 points today according to my show summary. Nothing shows under his associations. All of the horses were added via the new "add your own horse" button, if that matters. A few of my other team horses earned points that aren't showing as counting towards their teams.
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I'm still having issues with teams ~ I added these horses on the 1st using the old method. If I click on each horse it doesn't show them entered into a team ~ The top three horses on the team were added on the 1st
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Same issue here. Two horses I entered on a team using the new method show zero points since I added them. They were added over a month ago and have earned points over that time, but their team points are still zero. They also aren't shown as members of the team on the horse details page.
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Same here, I entered my team horses in shows, one got 1st place and earned 4 points, yet it still shows 0 yearly points. It should be 10 from today alone. I still have the 43 points from last month though.
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I took a look at my teams today to see how they were doing. The only team that's accruing points is the one I created before the updates made to the teams page last October. Another team I modified after the changes has only 10 points. One horse on that team has earned 58 points this year alone. So, something is still not right with teams.
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All my horses in all my teams were added before RO, and while several of the horses have placed 1-4th many times throughout the month, none of my teams have any points this year.
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This bug was brought up just days after the teams update and I don't think anything has been done about it. I would like to be able to add/delete horses to my teams but at this point I don't want to touch anything because the new points probably won't be recorded.
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I have just been adding horses the old way and it seems to be working for me. But it would be nice to use the new feature as it is a lot faster
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Oh, thanks for the tip. I didn't even think of trying the old way again, probably because I was in denial that I'd have to go back to that clunky thing...lol. Guess that's what I'll have to do.
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