@Elf, I got pet insurance for him, but unfortunately it wont cover any issues associated with his gallbladder. I now know to get pet insurance for all future pets though.
It felt unfair to lose him when I had already lost my other cat unexpectedly and traumatically 5 years ago. Plus Oliver has only been in my life 7 months. He has to get better!
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When you are trying to search leaderboards for stallionsmares under top breeders it will not allow you to search by breed. The drop down box is there but it never filters them to be just one specfic breed shown it will always be a mix of all breeds. Usually happens for top WWW breeders
Edited at June 5, 2024 08:58 PM by Moonstone Acres
the Top Breeders breed 'search' isn't a search filter, it just shows the breed-specific leaderboards instead of the All Breed leaderboard. If I click 'Warmblood', it doesn't filter out the other breeds from the ABLB, it shows me a different LB, specific to WBs :)