
I had the 'breed a premium pearl (ee Prlprl CcrC)' quest and the quest was solved with a Buckskin. Historically, it was always palomino pearl that solved this quest. If the quest has been updated to only need Prlprl and CcrC, could the quest wording be corrected?
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That looks like a buckskin pearl, not a plain buckskin which would have a black mane and tail. A buckskin pearl would have CcrC and Prlprl, the genes important to the quest, regardless of other color modifiers.
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Buckskins are Ee or EE, not ee. In this case, the horse is Ee since I was using an apricot stallion. Based on the genetics given by the quest, (ee Prlprl CcrC), only a palomino pearl (ee/Prlpr/CcrC) should solve the quest. I've done this quest many times over the years, and this is the first time that a black based horse solved the quest.
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Oh I missed the ee in the brackets. I've also completed this quest many times in the past and I've never noticed it needing a specific base color to complete, so I think it's just a typo, though it would be great if Eve could fix that to prevent further confusion.
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