I received a text this morning that my giraffe (horse) managed to pull some rocks out from under his fence and decided to play with them. The rocks were there to fill in holes he and his former neighbor dug a few months ago. Anyway, Sir Dorkus apparently managed to hurt himself (playing footsie with rocks is bad), and the barn manager is suspecting a stone bruise. I haven't been out to see him yet, but I will later today.
Anyway, has anyone had experience with stone bruises before? How long did it take for your horse to heal? Is there anything I, my vet, or my farrier can do to help him out during recovery? Is there a set period of time to wait before I can rule out stone bruise for something more serious? Are we looking at stall rest here (oh please god no, he's awful when stalled all day)? Thank you in advance, and please cross your fingers that the beast recovers quickly and doesn't try to play with rocks again. Edited at August 25, 2018 11:21 PM by Equuleus
Update: Got to the barn and he was three legged lame, way worse than this morning with swelling in the tendon area and heat all over his front left. I called the vet, and she thinks it could be a bad abscess, but he's not reacting very strongly to hoof testers. His heart rate is normal, so she's pretty sure it's not a fracture at least. She soaked his hoof, gave him some bute, and wrapped his leg, and we're going to reevaluate in the morning. She's hoping that if it's an abscess, the soaking will soften his sole enough to get a reaction from the hoof testers. Otherwise, we might be looking at something more serious. Fingers crossed this works out okay, and it is indeed an abscess! Really hoping it's not a tendon or bone injury.. Edited at August 25, 2018 11:23 PM by Equuleus
Oh i sure hope it's just a stone bruise that abscessed. It does sound like an abscess, though the tendon swelling is a bit concerning.
Jingles for fast recovery. *jingle jingle jingle*
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Jellos Warmbloods said: Oh i sure hope it's just a stone bruise that abscessed. It does sound like an abscess, though the tendon swelling is a bit concerning.
Jingles for fast recovery. *jingle jingle jingle*
Yeah, that tendon thing is what's throwing us off. The vet said that sometimes really bad abscesses will come along with tendon swelling, but the lack of reaction to hoof testers is kind of concerning. I've never heard of jingles for recovery, but you know what, thank you. xD
Oh sorry. LOL It's a big thing on the COTH forums. LOL
I promise it's a good thing! :'D
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Jellos Warmbloods said: Oh sorry. LOLIt's a big thing on the COTH forums. LOL
I promise it's a good thing! :'D
Hahaha, I'll take it! I'm kind of envisioning Santa shaking reindeer bells over my horse, which is amusing, so it works for me!
Good News: He was barely lame at the walk today, just a bit off. The swelling around his tendon is way down as well.
Bad News: The vet still has no idea what the problem is. She hasn't found any sign of an abscess, but it might just be really deep. It's possible he just tweaked or sprained something, but we really don't know. The vet comes back again tonight to reevaluate him after the farrier comes by. In the meantime, the poor guy is on stall rest and is sedated so he doesn't tear the barn down.
It could be an abscess thats higher up too, they aren't always nice enough to blow out the sole, we've got a mare that went down the same route that your horse is gone through - tendon swelling and all - abscess popped up by the coronary band
Hope he gets better soon and it's nothing serious!
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Cappuccino said: It could be an abscess thats higher up too, they aren't always nice enough to blow out the sole, we've got a mare that went down the same route that your horse is gone through - tendon swelling and all - abscess popped up by the coronary band
Hope he gets better soon and it's nothing serious!
Would be great if that's the case! Nice to hear from someone else who's experienced something like this. I'm just glad our vet is as awesome as she is, coming to see my horse three times in two days. Otherwise I'd probably be a nervous wreck!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I've had him less than a year, and he's never had a serious injury before. It would really suck if that happened now. With a little bit of luck, perhaps a bad abscess is all it is.
Guess who decided to be sound today!!! :D
Video: http://picbear.online/media/1855397324400840538_5792461033?ref=ajax
The vet said he could have turnout if he lunged sound, and he did, so we turned him out in the arena so he'd have a softer surface to move on. Of course he was also an idiot tearing around the arena at full bore for several minutes (couldn't stop him, he's 16.3 hands and determined), so hopefully he doesn't come up sore tomorrow. I'm just glad to see such a dramatic improvement. He's getting the rest of this week off to rest either way, and hopefully that will make sure this doesn't come back. Edited at August 28, 2018 12:00 AM by Equuleus