My new boy comes home in two weeks, and I'm after ways to bond with him without riding for the first week when he comes home. Ideas?
Ground work. Ground work. Ground work.
Jericho Stables said: Ground work. Ground work. Ground work.
This ^
Jericho Stables said: Ground work. Ground work. Ground work.
Ground work, yes. But also doing simple tasks like grooming, hand walking, and hand grazing can all be great ways to bond as well.
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Jericho Stables said: Ground work. Ground work. Ground work.
That is how you do it
I think people tend to over complicate it looking for loads of tips and tricks and special ways to bond with horses. There's nothing special about it, just work with him normally; balancing out groundwork, caring for him and riding him like you would any other horse. The bond will come naturally with time :)
Mediterranean said: I think people tend to over complicate it looking for loads of tips and tricks and special ways to bond with horses. There's nothing special about it, just work with him normally; balancing out groundwork, caring for him and riding him like you would any other horse. The bond will come naturally with time :)
^^^ It just takes time
ground work and liberty work! this is great for building s solid relationship before working on his back. you will also get to know him better on the ground first which can give you insights when you're riding