Currently looking for tall boots, and have run into the issue of having too odd measurements than what fit sizing charts, or even options.
I'm 5' tall, with a heel-back of knee height of 15.5", (not including an added 1/2"ish for drop) and a calf width of 13". I've measured about a thousand times, so I'm pretty sure these are the right measurements. Unfortunately, I do have to order online as my location (island living) doesn't allow me to travel to tack stores, or I'd totally be there trying on boots.
Price isn't an issue right now, as I'm way more concerned with fit. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know! I'm trying to buy from SmartPak, as I love their free return shipping/exchanges.

Not to sure about the sizing, but I personally love Ariats. They're a bit expensive, but boy do they last long if you take care of them. They have both a Western and English line. https://www.ariat.com Most other stores stock Ariats, hope this helps :D
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Administrator |
Is semi-custom an option? I bought mine off the rack and sent them to a guy in florida to have them fixed to my measurements and he put zippers in them. It turned out really well, and no way any off the rack boot would fit me otherwise.
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Moonlight stud said: Not to sure about the sizing, but I personally love Ariats. They're a bit expensive, but boy do they last long if you take care of them. They have both a Western and English line. https://www.ariat.com Most other stores stock Ariats, hope this helps :D
I have a friend who is 5'1'' and has Ariats. I have them as well, (and have worn the living crap out of them) and have had no issues. Good luck!

Double post. Oopsies! Edited at July 24, 2017 02:17 PM by Sagamore Farms

Sagamore Farms said:
Moonlight stud said: Not to sure about the sizing, but I personally love Ariats. They're a bit expensive, but boy do they last long if you take care of them. They have both a Western and English line. https://www.ariat.com Most other stores stock Ariats, hope this helps :D
I have a friend who is 5'1'' and has Ariats. I have them as well, (and have worn the living crap out of them) and have had no issues. Good luck!
I am 5'1" and I have a pair of Ariats. I love them! As Sagamore was saying I have also worn mine for awhile. This is as in everyday to just go out and to work in.
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Ariats are the only pair that don't hurt my feet. I get ingrown toenails if my shoes don't fit right, but Ariats are definitely the best! And yeah, you can wear the crap out of 'em.

I am 5' 2" and I have ariats they're great!!
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Ariats are my favorites <3 I have had one pair for over eight years now. Very comfortable and tough.
Barely five feet tall here, really four feet 11 inches and a generous doctor. I loved my ariats. Had to throw them away after over 10 years of wearing them, the heel was completely gone! (I'm very hard on shoes they usually only last a year maybe two) Now searching for decent western boots Edited at July 24, 2017 09:46 PM by Hufflepuff Horses