I don't get to ride that often, but I would love to keep up or increase my strength. Any exercises you guys can suggest for legs / riding in general?
Exercise one- get a barrel and flip it on its side. Then get an English saddle (if you have one) and put the stirrups as short as they can go and then try and balance in the saddle while on the barrel. Post in the saddle while trying to balance and do 2 point/jump position. exercise two- get a jump and set it up low enough you can jump over it. You are then going to jump over the jump from side to side with both feet. Then you are going to jump over it forward and backwards with both feet. exercise three- lunges help a lot and they also help stretch out the leg a little bit. (they are kind of hard to explain but I've been working with my personal trainer on core,arms,and legs.
Yeah lots of leg and core strengthening. Pretty much anything from the core down. Also do some back exercises, practice proper posture, do back extensions, etc. You could do arm strengthening, but you shouldn't need too.
If you can get your hands on any books or videos by Daniel Stewart, he has a lot of exercises developed for rider fitness that don't require a horse!
Core exercises are key. Hollow hold, plank, and core bicycles are the ones I've found to be the most effective.
Try doing yoga or pilates exercises
EmeraldHillsFarm said: If you can get your hands on any books or videos by Daniel Stewart, he has a lot of exercises developed for rider fitness that don't require a horse!
Daniel Stweart is the bomb!
Thank you everyone! I will definitely be trying these, especially during lockdown.