
Horse Conformation Critique Hey there everyone! I've noticed how integral it is for horses to have proper conformation and I've noticed across multiple platforms how popular conformation critques are. So, I figured I could open this up! Those of you who don't know what conformation is, it is the the skeletal and muscular systems dictating the horse's outlines. It applies to the entire horse and evaluates the horse's faults. A horse requires good conformation to be able to perform it's tasks properly witht he least amount of stress on it's body possible. Certain conformation also helps with certain disciplines, particularly longer necks applying well to jumping, or longer shoulders applying well to cutting horses. This forum is for those of you looking for conformation on your real life horses. You can ask for critique, or you can give it! Rules - Refrain from bumping your posts. - Keep to one post at a time. After it has recieved critique you may post another. - You can nit-pick and be straight to the point, but please stay nice about it! - Don't get offended by people telling you how it is! Be civil with the answers you receive! - Give a little background on your horse! Age, breed, and discipline will help with critiques. - Please don't bash other people's horses! - Please, when posting pictures, follow these rules: Horse should be standing square. Horse should not be resting any legs and be on the flattest surface available. Pictures should be taken so all parts of the horse are visible. Pictures should be taken so the horse appears parallel with the ground. NO angled photos! Hoof pictures should be taken from the side, back, and front and taken straight. Front and back hoof pictures should include the entire rump and chest. Edited at December 30, 2020 12:37 PM by CC Knabbstruppers

Helpful Conformation Links: Andalusian World Visual Conformation Guide Chart: Credit: PRIMEDIA Equine Network Mod edit: Please do not hotlink images. Edited at January 3, 2021 02:55 PM by Stormsong Manor

This looks like it could be an awesome thread! I'll need to get some good conformation shots of mine to share :)


Aaaand here's Zippy! He's QH/Paint/Haflinger, for reference. I currently ride English, and I'm thinking about doing lower-level Eventing with him someday. He's almost 10 (birthday is April 3rd) and he used to have zero withers. If his head looks weird, it's cause he got kicked as a two-year-old. Judge away!
I have a big brat to post. I really like him and we've had some beautiful foals from him. Saturn was born here, and since my mom doesn't ride much any more, we had to wait until I was old enough to take him to shows, and then covid happened, so I hadn't worked with him like I planned to until November. I'm thinking I either want to do slower English classes, like hunter under saddle and equitation, or possibly western dressage with him. I'd also like to try some short jumps, like 2'6" high. I'd like to know if you guys think he looks up to the task build wise. He turns 7 in March and is about 16.1 hands tall. He's very quiet and smooth, but I think he's way too lazy and uncoordinated to run barrels with. . Editing to add a little bit of his pedigree. Saturn is AQHA registered. His sire is Two Socks For Te, a 2 time reserve palomino halter world champion by One Two Te. His dam is a daughter of Starbert C Ollie and granddaughter of Case of Freckles. I can dig up the papers if you guys want a picture of them. He's pretty much halter on top and roping on bottom. Edited at January 3, 2021 12:39 AM by Shingashina

(I might be wrong) but I think that long cannon bones as opposed to forearms are more desirable? So your guy potentially has some nice long strides. His back looks pretty short, and he's deep in the chest. Looks like his neck is on the shorter side, but it should be fine.
Thanks for the feedback! He will really reach out if I ask him to, though our main focus lately has been transtions and going slow. I want for him to be very solid on the basics before we do anything specific, so I figured now was the time to ask. He doesn't have the need for speed like the relatives of his we have, which is why I was looking at slower classes for him. I agree that he doesn't have the longest neck, though I never looked at the forearm vs cannon bone length before. I always just looked at the legs as a whole.

Well that's what doing exactly one year of 4H has attempted to teach me. Long cannon bones. I think. (may have to google to confirm)
My 4H time was spent showing cows. We didn't have enough people to make a horse judging team, so my FFA teacher wouldn't take just me to a judging contest. I can pick apart a steer, beef heifer, or dairy heifer, but I only know horse conformation as far as being comfortable and proportionate.