I decided I would make a thread about my new journey with my horse Zullie! Recently we have moved to Florida and plan to start showing. I hope you enjoy fallowing are journey and I will post pics soon!
Edited at January 1, 2021 10:14 AM by Equestrians dreams
Will try to get some pics today
Well turns out I have bad news... Zullie has a abscess tooth and it needs to be pulled. I noticed that she was not being her normal self, and soon after a bump appeared on her jaw. I am going to make a appointment to see the vet and will not being riding her until she has it pulled and gets healed up. I will post a pic of the bump on the jaw.
Abscessed teeth suck big time. I hope it gets out and heals quickly! The picture you posted has a super cool angle
The Nine said: very pretty girl <3
Thank you <3
Shingashina said: Abscessed teeth suck big time. I hope it gets out and heals quickly! The picture you posted has a super cool angle
Yes it does suck I am trying to get her in vet soon as possible and hope the recovery goes good! 🤞🤞and thanks I will try to get head shot Picture today!
Can't wait to see your adventure! Hope she heals well
Tomorrow is her appointment at the vet wish us good luck! I am taking her and are cute miniature pony! This is a picture of are pony he is going get his teeth done as well!