So as many of you know I own a 5 year old Mustang gelding named Alejandro. But, Al has issues so I've been riding one of our other horses, Nick. - Nick is a 2005 model registered AQHA gelding. He is sired by Frenchman's Guy, a world famous barrel horse and is also a 3D-4D barrel horse himself. - I've been riding Nick for a month or so and he's an absolute wonderful horse. He warms up super slow and will travel around like a pleasure horse but really hits second gear on the barrels. - Ive taken Nick to one barrel race where we ran in the 3D with a time of 19.578. I have never ridden a real barrel horse and that was my first true barrel race in many years so I'd say we did pretty well. - My plan is to continue running Nick while rehabbing Alejandro and going to more affiliated barrel races in my state! - - Edited at February 9, 2021 10:48 AM by Holly Hill Farm
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pretty <3 love the halter!
It's a shame he couldn't stay a stud. Good papers, good looking, and actually did something with his life. He's way better than what most people consider stud material. As a gelding, he does give you major bragging rights though.
Shingashina said: It's a shame he couldn't stay a stud. Good papers, good looking, and actually did something with his life. He's way better than what most people consider stud material. As a gelding, he does give you major bragging rights though.
I completely agree. Even when we bought him we wished he was a stud. He would certainly make some fancy babies.
He is a very handsome boy! Frenchmas Guy is a very awesome barrel stallion. I wish you good luck with your future rodeos :)
Wow! He's so beautiful and handsome! Wish I had a horse like that! ~Ella
Ooh, he's beautiful and adorable!
Thanks for all the kind words everyone! Nick would surely appreciate them lol.