
So recently, we had to put down our 35 yr old goregous grullo paint gelding who was a sweetheart, which was absoulutly heart breaking. And since all my other horses are having their separate issues... i may end up buying a colt. Let me tell you about this guy Hes only 4 months old, and a full bred Canadian out of an amazning stud and very chill mare, hes got a lot of spunk, and looks like he would have a KICK at eventing, hes absoulutly stunning. Now, he isnt gelding. thats the only problem i have, but, i wont geld him if i do buy him, as the canadian breed is very thin. I would love opinions on this, i know ive only given a small bit of information, but i hope it works :)
He sounds perfect!! Buy him!! It'Ll bE gOoD fOr ThE eCoNoMy Also, sorry for your loss 😢

Sorry about your loss and congrats on your new boy! But can I just offer some advice as someone who has been in the Canadian world for a few years? Canadians are thin but not as thin as you may be thinking. May I ask where you are located? You don't have to be exact but where I am Canada may be different then the southern states. If you do plan on keeping him a stud just a couple things to keep in mind is how many other breeders are in your area, are you going to keep only breed to Canadian mares, or will you breed out?
I am super excited to see another person joining the Canadian world! But I just want to offer any help I can as you enter as a stud owner as well.
I have two pure breds and one TB cross and I have not been able to register any of them, two because a small problem a few years back in the mares breeding and the TB cross can't be registered because she is a cross. So just remember that the registry is kinda sticky and all though stress about keeping the breed alive they are not very opening with their registration. I really hope he works out for uou! And maybe post a picture or two!!??
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Ranch Lands Training said: Sorry about your loss and congrats on your new boy! But can I just offer some advice as someone who has been in the Canadian world for a few years? Canadians are thin but not as thin as you may be thinking. May I ask where you are located? You don't have to be exact but where I am Canada may be different then the southern states. If you do plan on keeping him a stud just a couple things to keep in mind is how many other breeders are in your area, are you going to keep only breed to Canadian mares, or will you breed out?
I am super excited to see another person joining the Canadian world! But I just want to offer any help I can as you enter as a stud owner as well.
I have two pure breds and one TB cross and I have not been able to register any of them, two because a small problem a few years back in the mares breeding and the TB cross can't be registered because she is a cross. So just remember that the registry is kinda sticky and all though stress about keeping the breed alive they are not very opening with their registration. I really hope he works out for uou! And maybe post a picture or two!!??
I live in Mid western USA :) and hes already registered i belive! ill have to ask. Their arnt many people who breed Candians, but i know quite a few who have there eyes on this lil dude. I think i do want to geld him however after giving some thought to it (He has a Half brother who isnt gelded) i currently want to just show him.

Sorry about your horse... And he sounds like a nice colt but why not work with your current horses and resolve their issues...? Instead of getting a brand new horse? Not trying to be offensive just asking.

haha... Career ending injurys... One broke her leg 😅

Oh geez that stinks sorry was legit curious lol

You'll definitely have your work cut out for you in training him! But I'm sure it will be a rewarding experience!! :) Sorry about your other horses :(