
ive been contemplating lately if i truely want to get into barrels. However its been tough for me to actually realize that i know alot less than i thought... there's alot of language that im not used to and besides that ive never actually shown horses. Ive owned them my whole life and entered 2 small town shows but never under saddle. Im so nervous that i will mess everything up and become a laughing stock. Alot of people say that nobody cares and everyone is supportive but when ive gone to rodeos i also hear alot of people talking behind people's backs about how bad they are. Im so nervous and dont know alot about things that seem so simple...how do you even get to pro rodeo?? how do you know which rodeos to go to?? how do you register?? how do you know if youre even in the rodeo performance? how do you know when youre turn is up? how do you know when to go to the practice arena? how do you know if the rodeo is even for pros or not pros? what the hell is a jackpot and what are the rules of jackpots and how do they even work?? it seems like the questions are endless and if i sat down and talked about it i could have 1000 more to be honest it feels like the only thing i know how to do is the actual barrels part. Everything just feels so complicated and i dont know where to start... i have my barrel prospect and i know how to run barrels just not professionally.... i feel like the world is so complicated but i also just feel like im too old to start showing and its too late. im 19 and it feels like i cant do it because everyone started so much younger than me and has been running for years even if they're my age. i really really want to but im just terrified of being made fun of for being kinda new to things just needed to rant about this but some advice would also be greatly appreciated

I will try to help my best! I have been barrel racing for a few years now. I'm not a pro and I don't do rodeos but I feel like I have some advice. First off, just do it. You are only going to learn by trying! Second of all, invest in some barrel lessons. You don't have to go every week but every now and then will help you so much! There is so many technical things to the pattern that you can spend years perfecting it. I absolutely love to coach barrels just because I blow peoples minds when I explain it's more then just run as fast as you can. Lastly don't stress about rodeos, just go to gymkhanas! When you are just getting started gymkhanas are the way to go. Try a few groups out and find a group you fit in with, you will always find bitchy horse people but at least you can try to find a supportive group who is there for you to learn and have fun. You can show up and just trot the pattern and people will still be cheering for you and telling you good ride, and then when you are ready you can open them up and let your horse run and know you are doing it with no big stakes on the line. Gymkhanas also have more then just barrels during the day so it is a great way to practice all those skills like turning and stopping, I find it helps not blow my horses up because they really have to listen to me to navigate a new pattern every time we enter the arena. Once you have confidence at gymkhanas you can move up to jackpots. I can't help you much with those because I have only ran a few and I am also confused by them. The first one I ran was a hot mess, and I lucked that so many people helped me during the day and that was the only thing that got me through the day Now get in to lessons! Barrels is verry technical, and there is a lot to learn. Most importantly remember slow is faster, and you should only ever be running your pattern at events or once in a blue moon at home. But spend lots of time breaking down your turns and making sure your horse is using them selves properly So I would just give it a go. Start small and then move up. Rodeos are not going anywhere so they will be ready for you when you are!
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i have been running the barrel pattern for about 7 years now but ive just been way too scared to compete:/ the pattern and running and how to run it isnt really my problem im just nervous about how the community can be:(
Definitely don't even think about pro rodeos. Even people running consistently at the top of the 1D don't attempt to go pro bc it's expensive and way more risk than reward. Go to barrel races, just basic ones, a lot are run on Friday nights and over the weekend. Jackpots are just the same, you pay to enter and prize money goes back in. If you're running at the top of any of the D's (4D, 3D, 2D, 1D) consistently you could race under NBHA and try to qualify for big shows. Not sure where you're located but I could help you out! I ran barrels for a very long time on the side before I switched to cutting horses.
And please don't worry about the community!! Everywhere I've ever been the people have been so so incredible and helpful always willing to lend a hand in any way possible from walking you down the alley to lending a saddle. Even riders just starting out go to barrel races for fun! It is absolutely for anyone and everyone!!

I absolutely agree with Holly. Start out with local shows, and then go into 4D barrels. You can google for local clubs in your area. And I would not worry about the community, I have met some of the nicest people when barrel racing. :) As far as you worring about how long you have been riding. I started riding at 15, and racing at 16. And I knew people racing in their 70's. So dont let that stop you. I think you are a bit nervous about getting out there. I was the same way at first, but once you take the plunge. You will be hooked I promise lol. :D - I would suggest watching Martha Joseys training video. And reading her book. Thats what I used back in the day to learn the basics. It has a HUGE wealth of info on barrels. Back then she had the only book/video on barrels available. Yes this was before youtube and google (I feel old now lol). - You can also go to youtube and see videos by Fallon Taylor, and Martha Josey that wil answer a lot of questions. A trainer will help you polish up little thing that can make a big difference. - I really hope you pursue your dream. I think you would really enjoy yourself. Best of luck! :D
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