
Trivia Team |
So lately I've been thinking of upgrading my stirrups to a safety stirrup. Right now I use fillis stirrups but I am always looking for safer alternatives with my gear, however I need something that has enough weight to it to keep it from flapping in the breeze if I lose it on course, as if it's too light the stirrups are almost impossible to get your toe back into them. I do 3 day eventing to give you an idea of the strains that will be put on them. So does anyone have any recommendations on safety stirrups? Something that preferably has a similar weight to steel stirrups. Can't be junior ones either :)
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Trivia Team |
Mine are the lemieux ones, maybe they're too light but they are grippy and I like that the safety breaks from the bottom instead of the top, which is more lifely where our feet are going to come out of anyways.
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