
So generative AI is only growing. Out of curiosity, I wanna know what others think about it :) I'm gonna be blunt, I hate it. So much. It accidentally taught me to believe in the concept of a human soul by showing me what art without it looks like. Poll Question: Thoughts on generative AI?Total Votes: 24
I love it! : | 0 | 0% | | It's okay. : | 0 | 0% | | I don't use it, but I don't mind it. : | 0 | 0% | | It sucks. : | 2 | 8% | | It's fucking evil burn it : | 22 | 92% | | You have cast your vote.
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AI takes away what makes art important, the ability to communicate concepts, shape our everyday lives, make a social statement and be enjoyed for beauty, genuine blood and sweat put in to learn how to make art.
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Trivia Team |
All ethical/moral discussions aside (though I do think it's plagiarism robbery etc etc), AI takes a HUGE amount of energy to generate. It is going to be environmentally devastating. We are not in a place where we can be taking any more damage to our natural planet.
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People who try to cover up their use of AI by downplaying it to "I only use it as part of my process" eg. having AI generated a song to lyrics you wrote. That's still AI I dunno like sing it yourself I dunno man.
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Yeah like this power could go to hospitals, to helping people who need it to survive but its just used as a little toy for free art.

I don't know if I have seen it. That in itself makes me distrust it. It feels like Terminator approaching, in real life. Although when I saw a 'gif' of one politician punching another it cheered me up no end. Was that generated via AI?? If drones are given this then you have self determining killing machines in the sky. This is frightening.
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