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This week we'd like to know about your user experience as a new player! Poll Question: What did you struggle with most as a new player?Total Votes: 144
Feeding : | 0 | 0% | | Assigning Riders : | 1 | 1% | | Breeding : | 25 | 17% | | Managing Eden Bucks : | 47 | 33% | | Navigation : | 5 | 3% | | Showing : | 62 | 43% | | Other (Describe) : | 4 | 3% | | You have cast your vote. Edited at March 18, 2025 01:15 PM by Cadence Farms
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I struggled a lot with showing and I just recently learned how to do it. The showing guides that we just had done was really helpful! That and other players helped me along the way <3
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Managing my ebs and showing. Heck I'm still trying to figure showing out 😭

100% breeding, I know I like many newer players started out doing color, because I had no understanding of how to match, or how to save and invest in good broods/embryos and premium instead of wasting money on crappy horses, I'd be great if part of the guide addressed that and helped give us a path, like: start! -> Learn to show -> Premium Broods/embs or buy quality horses ->Play! Edited at March 18, 2025 01:56 PM by Dash and Duchess
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Breeding was the hardest for me, lol. It also did not help much that you can only get really good rated horses (also good producers) for prices that can only be achieved by showing for a few game years, in my opinion; it`s the way it works, so patience really has been key, which I understand can be hard for some people.
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When I first started playing with my old account long deleted years ago. Navigating was very easy believe it or not, The rating system and breeding is what I found the most difficult. Along with making money. And the biggest thing that killed the game for me is I could not understand the showing system. I originally stopped playing because of that, But I decided to give it another try and I'm thankful I did. The other thing that kind of gets under my skin a little bit, when it comes to ratings it feels a little pointless... You could have a p e w And for some reason despite being a world-class is so jumping. The horse performs better at degree. So it made showing and understanding it a little difficult.

I don't think I really struggled with a whole lot, showing came easy, and once I started breeding for ratings in Nov of 2023 that was pretty easy too xD So probably saving money, even though it wasn't hard for long lol
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Breeding! I'm still learning. I have read lots of gameguides and forum posts, but I still wish I knew more on how to match horses.
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Stone Haven Farm said: Managing my ebs and showing. Heck I'm still trying to figure showing out 😭
Same :'(
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when I first joined, i did not know that there was a get started at the game walk-through thing, so it kinda messed up the beginning for me as i made a few mistakes that have had lasting effects even today. i was also unaware of the ammount of money i had, causing me to overspend a bit. it's better now. i also remember showing being a bit difficult, but it was because i did not yet know that i could show, and becuause i did not know that horses leveled up and could not be showed for a bit after that. Breeding, i figured out really fast. I first thought you had to match the higher stats up to breed well, but a few game years ago i figured out how to breed better, not only based on the rateings, but by the stats.