Name- Axl Jager
Age- Looks to be middle to late-twenties.
DOB(MM/DD/YY)- 08/19/1998
POB- Minnesota
Sex- Male
Ethnicity- White
Height- 6'4
Weight- 227LB
Languages Spoken- English, German, Russian
Status- High, third in command.
Married- N/A
Zodiac- Leo
Accent- Slight underlaying Minnesotan accent, covered up by years of southern. Drawls. When he gets angry, the Minensotan comes out.
Most Used Phrases- "Really? Shooooocker." "I swear, if you open your mouth one more time I will shove my hand down your throat and pull out your voicebox." "Ain't gonna hap'n, cap'n."
Habits(B)- Snapping at people, or just not responding, being rude, sarcastic, never giving a straight answer, being commanding, domineering, inserting himself where he doesn't belong.
Habits(G)- He cares about very few people, but the people he does care about, he protects with his life. He is very loyal and can be really funny.
Positive Traits- He is a great fighter, very protective, loves making people laugh, and enjoys his social life.
Negative Traits- Much like his bad habits, he tends to just not reply, give people the cold shoulder, generally be a dick, be rude, bossing people around, and using his rank for bad.
Diabilities (Mental): Hyperthymesia, Low Latent Inhibition
Species- Werewolf
Body Build: Lean, Muscular
Eye Color: A bright golden color that almost doesn't look right for a human... because he's not. None of this dull amber. His eyes are sharp and steely, calculating everything.
Glasses or Contacts: None
Distinguishing Marks: He has an assortment of scars spattering his body from various fights and things. His whole shoulder, right arm, and a lot of his back is covered by a big burn scar that he never talks about. He also has a full left arm tattoo, black and white, of snakes and roses twisting down his arm to his wrist, the snakes fangs bared.
Predominant Feature(s): Eyes that make the phrase 'if looks could kill' true, very muscular body. When he does smile, it lights up a whole room, and his laugh is even better.
Hair Color: Jet black
Type of Hair: Medium length, slightly wavy, small amount of scruff around jaw and upper lip, looking unkempt.. but somehow in a good way.
Hairstyle: None, I dunno
Voice: Deep, attractive, southern accent, usually cold, underlaying Minnesotan accent that comes out when extremely angry.
Overall Attractiveness: Extreme, with sharp features and bright eyes
Physical Diabilities: Scar tissue in his right shoulder, causing it less movement and stabbing pain at times, paired with the burn marks making it not fun.
Usual Fashion of Dressing: He's a leather and denim kind of guy, usually dressed in jeans, boots, a tight t-shirt, and a leather jacket.
Favorite Outfit: He doesn't really have one.
Jewlery or Accessories: he has a thin silver chain with a wolf claw around his neck, from his first kill.
Good Personality Traits: Extremely intelligent, observative, logical. Once you earn his trust, which no one has successfully done yet, he's very loyal, comical, and soft.
Bad Personality Traits: Very blocked off, untrusting, dislikes the other clan, defaults to fighting definite anger issues.
Mood Character is in Most Often: Dark, quiet, cold with everyone but her. With her, he's light and funny, smiling most of the time, and looking like he's enjoying life.
Sense of Humor: Amazing, when you can find it.
Greatest Joy in Life: Spending time with her, really. Ever since they met he looks forward to being with her.
Greatest Fear: Finally starting to care about somebody and having them ripped away... like her.
Why?: He never lets anybody get anywhere near him, so he is afraid that when he does he'll get hurt. He's had this happen once, and from that point forward, he was a different creature. Now he let her in, and he's terrified the same thing will happen.
Most At Ease When: joking around with her.
Soft Spot: Humor, but he doesn't really have a big soft spot. He dislikes it when helpless people are getting attacked, and ...well, her.
Is This Soft Spot Visible to Others: Nope.
Greatest Strength: Logic and intelligence.
Greatest Vulnerability or Weakness: Anger and untrustfulness and her
Hometown: He has none.
Current Location: Dallas, Texas
Religion: N/A
Father, second in command, mother is dead.
Spouse: Nada
Relationship With Her: Nonexistant
Children: None
Relationship With Them: Also nonexistant
Other Important Family Members: All nonexistant.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert
Daredevil or Cautious?: Daredevil to the bone
Logical or Emotional?: Logical
Disorderly and Messy or Methodical and Neat?: Neat
Prefers Working or Relaxing: he likes working, but alone, and he likes nature, despite his clan being ... not like that.
Confident or Unsure?: Confident
Backstory: He's a shadowy person and no one really knows his twisted past