Okay ima post my character sheet here
Name:Cash harmen
Age: 19
Cash has slightly fluffy blonde with two strands dyed red at the front he has greenish brown eyes. He is the type of guy you would see walking and be like 'I wouldn't want to get into a fight with him" he is tall and muscular, and has a never ending smirk.
Cash is a nice guy and he looks the part, with his never ending smile and flirty personality he is normally center of attention with and without his horse. He likes to talk and make people laugh, and rarely ever gets mad.
Cash was born I to an horse family his grandparents rode Olympic cross country horses and his dad rode dressage. His mother on the other hand was famous for mounted shooting and riening. While Cash was growing up he was almost always on a horse or pony a d he was training horses by the age of 6 when he was 17 he got accepted into a equine training school and was so advanced he graduated at 19
Horse form
Boogie in moonshine <Mooney>
Spanish Warmblood
Mooney is a dark bay mare with two front socks and a badger face. She had one white ear and green eyes along with a long black mane and tail. She has is a lean athletic build with long legs sloped shoulders and a strong hind end.
Mooney is your typical mare she holds a grudge against anyone who breaths without asking her or disrupts her sleep. But even though she's a bit moody she is sure footed and reliable. Her strong will makes her a good eventer because she doesn't spook or refuse jumps she wants to do, but she will make sure you know is she's un comfortable
There's not much to her backstory she was bred in an elite breeding program with some of the best horses In her lines . The Trai er that was assigned to her couldn't get her started so she was sold in a stock sale and Cash bought her to sell but got to attached.
Other: I like bread:3