The earth shook, and the earth broke. Out came a green-misted stampede of hooves. The story of the Northern Ghost Herd has become true...dead horses, haunt the northern mountains and valleys, they are vicious-looking creatures, wrecking anything in their path. The ghost horses formed a haunted herd long ago, they are always fighting with the living herd, the Weatpath herd. Will peace come between the undead and the living? Or shall there be a war, making one herd dominant? Edited at January 14, 2023 01:45 PM by -Poison Apple-
Rules: 1. Follow all HEE rules 2. Include everyone, this isn't a 1x1 3. I have the right to accept or decline your form 4. Hate the character not the person playing them 5. Be active, in both roleplay and discussion 6. Do NOT ghost, it gets annoying when people keep doing it without telling me 7. I expect to see at least two paragraphs both in the sign-ups and roleplay 8. There will be a decent amount of stuff to read, make sure to read it all! 9. Maximum of 3 characters each, make sure to keep up with each one 10. Put something having to do with purple bananas in 'Other' if you have read the entire rules section! 11. Have fun! Edited at January 14, 2023 01:52 PM by -Poison Apple-
Facts about the Haunted horses/herd: 1. The horses will be dark colors and have weird markings or items(Bones, blood, etc) 2. The herd was made before the Weatpath herd 3. The horses should be either higher pony size or horse size 4. They arent afraid to attack
Facts about the Weatpath horses/herd: 1. The horses can be any color, natural though 2. The herd was made a long time after the Haunted herd was made 3. Members can be any height 4. They are a calmer herd but arent afraid to go to war if needed
Haunted Herd Roles: ~ Lead Stallion The Circus Lead Mare Reliques Followers - - - - - ~ Weatpath herd roles: ~ Lead Stallion - Lead Mare Angel Members - - - - ~ Loners - - - Edited at January 14, 2023 04:44 PM by -Poison Apple-
Sign Up sheet: ~ Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Herd: Herd Role: Appearance(Detailed): Personality(Detailed): Mate: Crush: Relationship Status: Foals: Other:
Name Reliques Age Unknown Gender Mare ~ Sexuality Heterosexual Herd Haunted Herd Role Lead Mare ~ Appearance (c) to Flora-Silve on DA! ~ Personality Mysterious + Quiet + Elegant + Suspicious + Careful + Aggressive at times + Blunt ~ Mate Open, message me! Crush TBD Relationship Status Single, Open! Foals Open! Other She doesn't mind yellow bananas but purple bananas? Ew! Edited at January 15, 2023 03:58 AM by Kuewi knn stable
Name: angel Age: unknown Gender: mare Sexuality: idk Herd: weatpath Herd Role: lead mare Appearance(Detailed): dapple grey coat with a white mane and tail. Personality(Detailed): kind. Friendly. Quiet. Loves making new freinds. Mate: open message me Crush: idk Relationship Status: single Foals: open Other: super sweet does not like to fight but will if she has to