
... THIS ROLEPLAY IS ONLY FOR HERA CLUB MEMBERS ... Saxe Riding Academy . HEADMASTER: Mrs. Tanya Saxe (NPC) . Congratulations! You have been selected to attend the Saxe Riding Academy, one the most elite horse riding boarding schools in the country. Only 40 students are chosen to attend this academy every three years. Orientation is on July 10th and term begins on September 1st. We look forward to meeting you! - Mrs. Saxe . Classes: Racing, Cross-country, Jumping, English Saddle Seat, Western, Dressage . Teachers: Mr. Collins (Racing), Mrs. Baker and Ms. Carson (Cross-country), Mrs. Leaker (Jumping), Mrs. Dinna (English Saddle Seat), Mr. Books and Mrs. Books (Western), Mr. Conmer (Dressage) . Places: Barns, dorms, arenas, horse walkers, trails, washrooms, Cross-country courses, vet's office, riders lounge, race tracks, entry building and parking lot Edited at November 26, 2023 06:15 PM by Galloping Stables

Roles: Ages 14-16 yrs= first years 17-19 yrs= second years ~ Open spots 1st year girls: Abigail Carlson (GS) Nieve Steedman (SOTW) Oliver Winten (GB) Isabella Amille (MAA) Jade Evans (SS) ~ 2nd year girls: Akari Mizuno (W) Dakota Springs (FM) Octavia Hadish (RH) Amy Ann Rays (TCG) Hailey Louise Vvardenfell (NA) ~ 1st year boys: Wyn Mirarona (PH) Nikolas Benson (RR) Quail Yellowhead (EA) - - ~ 2nd year boys: Qibli Sand Jones (WW) Rhys Larkin (MLE) Micah Tyler Willams (TMS) - - Edited at December 30, 2023 01:27 PM by Galloping Stables

Dorms Aspen (girls): Dorm 10: Isabella Amille (MAA) - Hailey Louise Vvardenfell (NA) Dorm 20: Akari Mizuno (W) - Dakota Springs (FM) Dorm 30: Abigail Carlson (GS) - Nieve Steedman (SOTW) Dorm 40: Octavia Hadish (RH) - Jade Evans (SS) Dorm 50: Oliver Winten (GB) - Amy Ann Rays (TCG) Oak (boys): Dorm 60: Qibli Sand Jones (WW) - Open Dorm 70: Wyn Mirarona (PH) - Quail Yellowhead (EA) Dorm 80: Micah Tyler Willams (TMS) - Open Dorm 90: Nikolas Benson (RR) - Rhys Larkin (MLE) Dorm 100: Open - Open . Stalls Barn 1: Stall 05: WW Wild West (WW) Stall 10: Desert Rose (GS) Stall 15: Finca For Wind (FM) Stall 20: Silver Blade (PH) Stall 25: RH Daredevil (RH) Stall 30: Even Satan Need Whisky (MAA) Stall 35: Heart Ain't Listing (TCG) Stall 40: Danny's Spruce It Up (TMS) Barn 2: Stall 50: Quilato (RR) Stall 55: Time's A Ticking (EA) Stall 60: Black Widows Bite (SOTW) Stall 65: Woodstock VDL (MLE) Stall 70: The Devil's Ace (GB) Stall 75: The White Serpent (W) Stall 80: Tornado (SS) Stall 85: Tellin' Dirty Lies (NA) Edited at December 30, 2023 01:31 PM by Galloping Stables

Schedule: 7:30 - wake up 8:00 - breakfast 9:00 - prep time (students saddle up, warm up, feed, water their horses) 9:30 - first class 10:30 - free time 12:00 - lunch 1:30 - second class 2:30 - practice time (students are encouraged to practice their riding skills. They may also go on trail rides at this time) 3:30 - free time 4:30 - third class 5:30 - clean up (students feed/water their horses, clean tack, pick hooves, etc.) 6:30 - dinner 10:30 - lights out . Sign-up sheet: Human: Name: Nickname(s): Age: Gender: Role: Appearance (with height): Personality: Wanted classes (two from list on first post): Partner/crush: Discipline(Western or English): Backstory: Other (this is also where wanted roommates go): - Horse: Show name: Nickname(s): Age: Gender: Breed: Mate: Foals: Appearance (with height): Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Is scared of: Backstory: Discipline: Other: Edited at December 30, 2023 01:31 PM by Galloping Stables

Human Name: Abigail Hope Carlson Nicname(s): Abby Age: 14 Gender: female Role: 1st year Appearance (with height): 5'4", blond hair reaches middle of back, piercing blue eyes, tall, lanky Personality: shy, loves her horse, caring, quiet, smart, doesn't participate much in group events, enclosed in her own needs and problems, completely different person when she's on a horse Wanted classes (two from list on first post): Race, CC Partner/crush: Wild Warmbloods (Starts in RP) Discipline: English Backstory: Abigail's mother died when she was born, and she and her father live in a little cottage with lots of land. Her father soemtimes gets drunk, but is otherwise a good person, and Abigail loves him much. Abigail used to take Western lessons before she got Rose, but then her Western instructor died, and Abigail had to switch to English. Other (this is also where wanted roommates go): N/A - Horse Show name: Desert Rose Nicname(s): Rose, Rosie Age: 10 Gender: mare Breed: Arabian Mate: N/A Foals: N/A Appearance (with height): 15hh, dapple grey with green eyes, lighter around the head, mane and tail are white Personality: caring, brave, energetic, giddy for shows/races, soemtimes stubborn Likes: carrots, racing, Abigail, most horses Dislikes: blankets, boys, cooked treats, some horses Is scared of: blankets, paint Backstory: Abigail got Rose from an Elite breeding stable which was going to put Rose down because she wasn't the right mix of what they wanted, but Abigail's father stepped in and bought her for a reasonable price. Discipline: English Other: N/A Edited at November 26, 2023 06:20 PM by Galloping Stables

Sign-up sheet: Human: Name: Wyn Mirarona Age: 16 Gender: male Role: 1st year boy Appearance (with height): tall boy (6' 3.2, 193 cm) with long brunette hair that hangs infront of his eyes, his eyes are a bit weird, blue/teal with flecks of silver, mostly always wears baggy grey tracksuit pants, a Nike jumper, and one EarPod in his right ear. Personality: Wyn is very introvert, he likes to keep his head down and say nothing, he also can have short emotional outbreaks, when it becomes to much to cope, has a little problem with overstimulation Wanted classes (3 or 4): Jumping, cross country, Partner/crush: N/A (PM if want to) Discipline: English Backstory: when younger, he was suffering from bad bullying so his parents brought him a horse to help cope with it (they couldn't afford to move schools) Other (this is also where wanted roommates go): N/A Horse: Show name: Silver Blade Nicname(s): Blade Age: 6 Gender: Stallion Breed: Arabian/ Lusitano Mate: N/A Foals: N/A Appearance (with height): 160 cm 15.3 h.h, 500kg) Blade is a silvery horse, with white hair and dark rusty eyes, though blade has a slightly dished face from his dam, but his body holds the shape of a Lusitano, he has thin legs, and a strong barrel chest. Personality: Blade likes to work, and play, but when it comes to doing something he can be very competitive, taking charge over his rider, blade is a horse that loves to go first even though his rider prefers to hang to the back Likes: Blade likes showing, baths, watermelon, Wyn Dislikes: other horses, others going before him Is scared of: big storms, slightly sometimes other horses(rarely ever) Backstory: Blade was bred at a elite stable, but then injured himself badly, he was going to be sent to the meat factory, but luckily Wyn's parents had stepped in and took blade, healing him Discipline: English Other: Edited at June 22, 2023 12:25 PM by Ponies heaven

Ponies heaven said: Sign-up sheet: Human: Name: Wyn Mirarona Age: 16 Gender: male Role: 1st year boy Appearance (with height): tall boy (6' 3.2, 193 cm) with long brunette hair that hangs infront of his eyes, his eyes are a bit weird, blue/teal with flecks of silver, mostly always wears baggy grey tracksuit pants, a Nike jumper, and one EarPod in his right ear. Personality: Wyn is very introvert, he likes to keep his head down and say nothing, he also can have short emotional outbreaks, when it becomes to much to cope, has a little problem with overstimulation Wanted classes (3 or 4): Jumping, cross country, dressage Partner/crush: N/A (PM if want to) Discipline: English Backstory: when younger, he was suffering from bad bullying so his parents brought him a horse to help cope with it (they couldn't afford to move schools) Other (this is also where wanted roommates go): N/A Horse: Show name: Silver Blade Nicname(s): Blade Age: 6 Gender: Stallion Breed: Arabian/ Lusitano Mate: N/A Foals: N/A Appearance (with height): 160 cm 15.3 h.h, 500kg) Blade is a silvery horse, with white hair and dark rusty eyes, though blade has a slightly dished face from his dam, but his body holds the shape of a Lusitano, he has thin legs, and a strong barrel chest. Personality: Blade likes to work, and play, but when it comes to doing something he can be very competitive, taking charge over his rider, blade is a horse that loves to go first even though his rider prefers to hang to the back Likes: Blade likes showing, baths, watermelon, Wyn Dislikes: other horses, others going before him Is scared of: big storms, slightly sometimes other horses(rarely ever) Backstory: Blade was bred at a elite stable, but then injured himself badly, he was going to be sent to the meat factory, but luckily Wyn's parents had stepped in and took blade, healing him Discipline: English Other:
Accepted! Edited at June 17, 2023 04:46 PM by Galloping Stables

Name: Akari Mizuno
Nicname(s): None
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Role: 2nd Year Girl
Appearance (with height): Akari stands at 5'3 with a slender build, She has Brunnette hair that goes a little past her shoulders and is usually curled/wavy with long curtain bangs that are a lighter brown, she also has some faint lighter brown highlights with Blue-gray eyes. She usually wears neutral colors but always matches her horse's tack, As an example she might wear black breeches and a tucked in darker read riding shirt while her horse would have a darker red saddle pad, black/dark brown saddle, and darker red polo raps (sometimes)
Personality: She is very friendly and likes helping people/around yet she does have a tiny bit of social anxiety and OCD. She defiantly has an attitude and has trouble expressing her emotions at certain times but otherwise, she's defiantly a caring person.
Wanted classes (3 or 4): Dressage, Cross Country, Jumping
Partner/crush: N/A (Open) Discipline: English Backstory: (Working on)
Other (this is also where wanted roommates go): N/A (You can pick) - Horse:
Show name: The White Serpent
Nicname(s): Arietta
Age: 5
Gender: Mare
Breed: Purebred Thoroughbred
Mate: N/A (Open)
Foals: N/A
Appearance (with height): Arietta is a purebred thoroughbred standing at 15.9 h.h she is known for well for her rare yet pretty cremello coat and baby blue eyes.
Personality: She is a very loving horse and shows her affection 24/7 she is also quite competitive and loves competing, She is most noticed for how calm she is and how graceful her transitions are.
Likes: Sugar cubes, Hay, Water, Trail rides, Her owner
Dislikes: Lighting, Losing, No attention.
Is scared of: Lighting
Backstory: (Working on)
Discipline: English
Other: Edited at June 24, 2023 10:39 PM by Wistera

Wistera said: Human:
Name: Akari Mizuno
Nicname(s): None
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Role: 2nd Year Girl
Appearance (with height): Akari stands at 5'3 with a slender build, She has black hair that goes a little past her shoulders and is usually curled/wavy, She usually wears neutral colors but always matches her horse's tack, As an example she might wear black breeches and a tucked in darker read riding shirt while her horse would have a darker red saddle pad, black/dark brown saddle, and darker red polo raps (sometimes)
Personality: She is very friendly and likes helping people/around yet she does have a tiny bit of social anxiety and OCD. She defiantly has an attitude and has trouble expressing her emotions at certain times but otherwise, she's defiantly a caring person.
Wanted classes (3 or 4): Dressage, Cross Country, Jumping
Partner/crush: N/A (Open) Discipline: Showjumping Backstory: (Working on)
Other (this is also where wanted roommates go): N/A (You can pick) - Horse:
Show name: The White Serpent
Nicname(s): Arietta
Age: 5
Gender: Mare
Breed: Purebred Thoroughbred
Mate: N/A (Open)
Foals: N/A
Appearance (with height): Arietta is a purebred thoroughbred standing at 15.9 h.h she is known for well for her rare yet pretty cremello coat and baby blue eyes.
Personality: She is a very loving horse and shows her affection 24/7 she is also quite competitive and loves competing, She is most noticed for how calm she is and how graceful her transitions are.
Likes: Sugar cubes, Hay, Water, Trail rides, Her owner
Dislikes: Lighting, Losing, No attention.
Is scared of: Lighting
Backstory: (Working on)
Discipline: Eventing, (Mainly showjumping though)
Nice! Accepted! Edited at June 17, 2023 07:27 PM by Galloping Stables

Human: Name: Nikolas Benson Nicname(s): Niko Age: 15 Gender: Male Role: First year boy Appearance (with height): Niko is 6'2 with piercing light blue eyes, tan skin from time at the barn, and fluffy, kinda curly light brown hair that falls on top of his forehead but is a little shorter on the sides. He has a perfect, blinding white smile from his braces last year, and muscular, toned built that anyone would kill for. Personality: Niko is super outgoing and friendly to everyone, and is always going to make you laugh. He is also really loyal, smarter than you'd first think, and the hardest working guy you'll meet. Wanted classes (three or four from list on first post): Cross Country, Show Jumping, and Dressage. Partner/crush: Open, pm me. Discipline(Western or English): English Backstory: Niko grew up in a small canadian town where hockey was everything with one of his older brothers Cam, and his dad. When he was ten, Niko hurt his shoulder and was told he'd never play competitive hockey again. After his injury he moved to Chicago with his brother Troy, who was in college at the time. After a few months in the US, he decided to start riding and it has been his passion ever since. Other (this is also where wanted roommates go): N/A, you can dm me if you're interested in rooming together. - Horse: Show name: Quilato Nicname(s): Q, Qbert, Qball Age: 7 Gender: Gelding Breed: Holsteiner Mate: N/A Foals: N/A Appearance (with height): Q is 16.2hh purebred, branded holsteiner by Quidam de Revel. He is dark bay in the winter, but lighter after being clipped and has very light, almost mealy spots in the summer from being bleached by the sun. He has a question mark shaped stripe on his upper forehead and an Africa shaped snip. He had white socks that almost go to his hocks in the back, and two low socks on his front legs that are just short of his fetlocks. Q had a thick, almost wavy tail that is cut flat at the bottom like most jumpers and a shorter, thick mane and forelock that is stunning in braids. He is a muscular horse and exactly the build you think of for the best German show jumpers and hunters. Personality: Q is a friendly horse, always looking for treats but doesn't let you touch his face. He loves his jump and always gives his best effort. He loves quality time with Niko and his food. The more Q likes you, the snuggle time he requires. Once Q trusts you, the two of you are unstoppable. He loves a kind but informative rider that puts comfort and quality before results even though he is a very competitive horse that was bred to win. Likes: Niko, food, big jumps, trail rides. Dislikes: His face being touched, people he doesn't know, ear balls, trot jumps. Is scared of: As long as you don't hit his face or touch it until he really likes you, he's good and brave. Backstory: Q was born and bred in Europe, and was constantly pushed hard to be a top show jumper, doing the 1.20s and bigger before he was imported for Niko five months ago. Discipline: English Other: Edited at June 17, 2023 06:57 PM by Raindrop Ridge