
Name:sage (wise Age : 21 (aug 19) Looks:Sage is exactly 5'6". She is a slender athletic girl. Her long black hair is usually in a french braid. Her alomond shaped eyes are a stormy gey and framed by long black lashes. She is often wearing all black. Her pale skin never tans making her seem like a ghost. Personality: Sage is withdrawn and quite. She rarely ever talks. When she does she has some really good points. she is kind and gentle. Sexuality:Straight Ethnicity: English History: Sage is your average person. She went to college and is now a pro actor. She is not the type of person would expect to be an actress but she's good at it. Her dad died when she was 19. She never got to say goodbye or go to his funeral two things she will never forgive herself for. Family: None Godly parent: Athena
This is an Rp about children of Gods and goddesses. We can do Greek as that is the most popular . --------------------------------- In a land where monsters rome free killing innocent mortals , the children of the gods smust help save the day . With the help of Three demigods , the gods might just have chance to defeat the monsters once and for all. ---------------------------- There are currently three spots available for this roleplay. Character Sheets are below Name:(and meaning if any ) Age : (and birthday pls) Looks:(detailed pls down to eye shape lash length ) Personality: Sexuality: ( pls put if they are in the closet) Ethnicity: History: Family: Godly Parent:
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Fedor ( divine gift from god) Age : 23 ( April 20) Looks: mid length mousy blonde hair always bedhead styled , wide dark brown almost black eyes long lashes , tan skin seems sharper when angry Personality: is quite the hothead and is only really nice when he wants something , often described as toxic Sexuality: straight Ethnicity: Spanish History: Didn't graduate high school but is still quite smart . Now works in a downtown restaurant getting paid a minimum wage. Is an orphan his mother died when he was 1 and has grown up on the street and relied on getting into gangs. Has history of drug abuse and alcohol addictions . Family:Black Tiger gang Godly parent:Ares Edited at November 23, 2023 09:32 PM by Sage Breeding
The midnight stand has been Accepted Edited at November 23, 2023 03:53 AM by Sage Breeding