~Welcome to LBSS~
Here we specialize in breeding, training and improving LB stallions
keep track of the current high LB stallions for all breeds!
advertise your freshies and your studs with potential
LB stallions/freshies with potential only
Help improve the color, genetics, and stats of the LB!
New Stallion forum!
With the help of club members i would love to create a forum with a list of your LB stallions and their information
stop opening 300 tabs to find matches for your mares!
all the stallions you need in one place
match training on just 2 pages
see visible colors of stallions and genetics and compare to other stallions on the same page
~Membership Tier Ranks~
Basic membership info discounts for LC
All tier giveaway entries!
1000 fee per month
Tier 3 info
discounts on LC
discounts on straws
Tier 3 giveaways items up to 200k value!
All tier giveaway entries!
15k per month
Tier 2 info
discounts on LC
discounts on straws
Tier 2 giveaways items up to 400k value!
all tier giveaway entries
30k per month
Tier 1 info
discounts on LC
discounts on Straws
Tier 1 giveaways items of any value
examples of giveaway items may include
WWW mares or WW combo mares
Sven items
LB Straws
LB Broods
Art sets/custom
50k per month
Dues must be paid before the 5th of each month
Giveaways will be monthly and end on the 25th of the month
All of my stallions will be at a 50% discount to club members
Club contests will be started after we reach over 100 members
Club Tier members:
Kepler Wings - 343226 - Tier 3 paid August 2022
Tranquility - 232863 - Tier 1 paid August 2022
Wild winnie equine - 313894 - Tier 1 paid September 2022
Cats eye - 295104 - Tier 1 paid August 2022
Elektra's elites - 267931 - Tier 1 paid August 2022