Welcome to the CQE Club Halloween Contest!
Club members only. If you would like to join the CQE Club please visit our club page to apply.
Some of the horses in our Club Barn have dressed up for the occasion, these are the 'Treat' horses. Some of the other horses have have decided to try to 'Trick' you by hiding critters! Contest ends on the 1st of November, so be sure to get your final answers to me by that date. Please do NOT post your answers below, thank you.
Treat Horses: Have a look though our Club Barn to search for our treat horses. These horses have dressed up especially for Halloween! When you think you've found all of the treat horses send an inbox message to 272515 with all of the horses names and you will receive a small prize for each one. If you find ALL of the treat horses you will be entered into a draw to win 20,000 ebs!
Trick Horses: Check through our Club Barn for our trick horses too. These horses are hiding some creepy critters including Bats, Frogs and Reptiles! When you think you've found all of the trick horses send an inbox message to 272515 with all of the horses names. If you can find ALL of these critters you will be entered into a draw to win one of the following:
2. A full set of adult tack with accessories.
3. A Golden Ticket.
We also have an amazing pre-made piece of horse art kindly donated by L.C123!
Everyone who enters this contest will be entered into the draw to win this wonderful art prize!
For a bonus prize of 10,000 ebs and a spooky surprise there is an additional animal hidden behind one of the club horses. If you can work out which horse is hiding it and what kind of animal it is you could win 10,000 ebs, a spooky decor item and a Halloween costume!
Here's a little hint to help you work it out...
Don't get BOARd looking, the answers are here
I'm SECRETly hidden, but I AM tHERE
Don't RUIN your chances, of an extra prize
10,000 ebs, and a spooky surprise!
As a special treat for all you club members all of the mares and stallions in the club barn will be up for free breeding to members, please make sure you let eveyone have a go though.
Good Luck and Happy Halloween!