Hello Everyone, I've created a Blogger Lovers Club for those that like to wright or blog like me, it's a club to express yourself and let yourself go and be you, I am new to the clubbing thing so if anyone would like to join or help me run it your more than welcome.
I created the club because I love to blog, cause it's a good way to express yourself you can be you when you blog, you don't have to hold back and it's also a way for others to voice there opinions without having to do it on the chat box, I also did it because there was no club like that to join here and I wanted others to get to know me through my blogs but no one reads them so I thought why not create a club, I tried to do this a while back but couldn't think of a club.
I hope you all will join if you so choose I'd like to see others who like to blog besides me.