Hi everyone! This forum is for ISHLBA club members. If you are not currently in ISHLBA and would like to be you can join Here. This is the forum for updates on giveaways, sharing matches, match help, showing off your ISH and generally just having a chat. This is also the place to post brood and straw threads for club members to have a look at.
ISHLBA was founded by The Golden Horse, (myself), and Rolling in Hay with the aims of bring ISH back to the ABLB. Now back after my hiatus we look to continue this with a club revamp in action!
Black Meadow Estate said:
Thank you and welcome to ISHLBA!
I would like to welcome 2 new ISHLBA members today!
Hey guys! This year we will host a giveaway with ABLB ISH straws, EEE mares and a brood or embryo to a EWW ISH mare! Next RO we will host a best foal contest with the winners being spotlighted on the club page!
Heya everyone! I'm offering my two ISHLB mares 2nd embryos for auction a bit last minute for next month - club members will receive a 10k discount if the embryo price is over 100k!