Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Summer   
$: 0
Forecast: Evening Thunderstorms, Hail Possible
Thu 12:03pm  
Stables Online:  95 
11:58:06 Crowley
-YT Click-
11:53:48 Crowley
Omg lucky
Snow Stable
11:46:53 Snow❆Gem
I gotta go now, have a good day everyone!
11:43:58 Sun's Shiny PON/SH
I cannot decide if I want to get art for my yearling colt or filly over here >_> mmmm.
Snow Stable
11:38:44 Snow❆Gem
Wait, what?! oops. lol Feel free to sign and/or share.
Worldclass Warmblood
11:37:44 Tia
-HEE Click- im going to cry
Snow Stable
11:37:40 Snow❆Gem
Fancy Me Spotted
Oh ok
Circle Star RIDs
11:36:20 Granny C
Fancy - only on capture days, is it worth while, when the odds of getting something worth keeping are greater.
Fancy Me Spotted
Warmblood at least she's a looker she could be a good color horse
Worldclass Warmblood
11:29:38 Tia
ive never had a bottle baby, all our girls were the best mamas
Snow Stable
11:29:31 Snow❆Gem

hehe! :D
Glacier Bay Cove
11:29:17 Glacier cats
Missing my premium, need to work on getting another one soon
Fancy Me Spotted
This is why I've not really gotten anywhere on any account so I'm trying to decide if I should or should not capture horses.
11:28:42 Crowley
I get attached to bottle babies.
Worldclass Warmblood
11:28:41 Tia
-HEE Click- oh how i wish her rating was higher
Ironworks Equestria
11:28:21 Seven/Reaver/Bigby

Fair. =)
Fancy Me Spotted
This might seem like a really dumb question but which is better buying horses or catching them? I don't really see much difference other then I've heard capturing s bad for many reasons how do you know when to capture when not to? or is it better to just buy and not capture?
11:27:20 Crowley
I blame this keyboard lol
Worldclass Warmblood
11:27:18 Tia
i was banned from being cuddly with the lambs because aparently i "got too attached"

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
11:58:06 Crowley
-YT Click-
11:53:48 Crowley
Omg lucky
Snow Stable
11:46:53 Snow❆Gem
I gotta go now, have a good day everyone!
11:43:58 Sun's Shiny PON/SH
I cannot decide if I want to get art for my yearling colt or filly over here >_> mmmm.
Snow Stable
11:38:44 Snow❆Gem
Wait, what?! oops. lol Feel free to sign and/or share.
Worldclass Warmblood
11:37:44 Tia
-HEE Click- im going to cry
Snow Stable
11:37:40 Snow❆Gem
Fancy Me Spotted
Oh ok
Circle Star RIDs
11:36:20 Granny C
Fancy - only on capture days, is it worth while, when the odds of getting something worth keeping are greater.
Fancy Me Spotted
Warmblood at least she's a looker she could be a good color horse
Worldclass Warmblood
11:29:38 Tia
ive never had a bottle baby, all our girls were the best mamas
Snow Stable
11:29:31 Snow❆Gem

hehe! :D
Glacier Bay Cove
11:29:17 Glacier cats
Missing my premium, need to work on getting another one soon
Fancy Me Spotted
This is why I've not really gotten anywhere on any account so I'm trying to decide if I should or should not capture horses.
11:28:42 Crowley
I get attached to bottle babies.
Worldclass Warmblood
11:28:41 Tia
-HEE Click- oh how i wish her rating was higher
Ironworks Equestria
11:28:21 Seven/Reaver/Bigby

Fair. =)
Fancy Me Spotted
This might seem like a really dumb question but which is better buying horses or catching them? I don't really see much difference other then I've heard capturing s bad for many reasons how do you know when to capture when not to? or is it better to just buy and not capture?
11:27:20 Crowley
I blame this keyboard lol
Worldclass Warmblood
11:27:18 Tia
i was banned from being cuddly with the lambs because aparently i "got too attached"

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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