
MarbleFox Manor said:
Flipperruby30 said: Try lunging,Keeping him in the stall before the ride rather than the field.Even just take him for a quick walk.I find I good through groom calms them down.
Can I ask you why keeping him in a stall locked up is a better way to settle him down? I think it's only going to make things worse... instead of letting him burn off energy in the field before lessons he's gonna in my opinion be harder to handle... I agree with the lunging walking and grooming but I think locking him in a stall is going to make it worse... it may have something to do with the way he was gelded or cut.... it sounds to me like he was a proud cut gelding...
I meant because it sounds like being in the field stresses him out and makes him hard to handle.I didn't mean lock him in their all day,Just like 5 10 mins In The stall to let him chill for a bit before the ride.But true he could just be a proud cut gelding,Just my opinion and what I would do in the situation :)

Flipperruby30 said:
MarbleFox Manor said:
Flipperruby30 said: Try lunging,Keeping him in the stall before the ride rather than the field.Even just take him for a quick walk.I find I good through groom calms them down.
Can I ask you why keeping him in a stall locked up is a better way to settle him down? I think it's only going to make things worse... instead of letting him burn off energy in the field before lessons he's gonna in my opinion be harder to handle... I agree with the lunging walking and grooming but I think locking him in a stall is going to make it worse... it may have something to do with the way he was gelded or cut.... it sounds to me like he was a proud cut gelding...
I meant because it sounds like being in the field stresses him out and makes him hard to handle.I didn't mean lock him in their all day,Just like 5 10 mins In The stall to let him chill for a bit before the ride.But true he could just be a proud cut gelding,Just my opinion and what I would do in the situation :)
Ahhh ok I still don't think stalling a horse is the right way to go... I definitely like the lunging or walking idea though... to me doing that would be a better option to settle a horse down... let's them burn off some energy.

MarbleFox Manor said:
Flipperruby30 said:
MarbleFox Manor said:
Flipperruby30 said: Try lunging,Keeping him in the stall before the ride rather than the field.Even just take him for a quick walk.I find I good through groom calms them down.
Can I ask you why keeping him in a stall locked up is a better way to settle him down? I think it's only going to make things worse... instead of letting him burn off energy in the field before lessons he's gonna in my opinion be harder to handle... I agree with the lunging walking and grooming but I think locking him in a stall is going to make it worse... it may have something to do with the way he was gelded or cut.... it sounds to me like he was a proud cut gelding...
I meant because it sounds like being in the field stresses him out and makes him hard to handle.I didn't mean lock him in their all day,Just like 5 10 mins In The stall to let him chill for a bit before the ride.But true he could just be a proud cut gelding,Just my opinion and what I would do in the situation :)
Ahhh ok I still don't think stalling a horse is the right way to go... I definitely like the lunging or walking idea though... to me doing that would be a better option to settle a horse down... let's them burn off some energy.
Yeah that's probably the right way to go,Probably full of steam and he needs to let his hair down lol.Id say give him a good groom and take him for a walk and maybe a quick lunge too.I totally understand where your coming from though Marble as with some horses being stuck in a stall doesn't help,Only increases the problem.I think just try things out and see what works for Him,each ponio is different :)

Update: Tom started sniffing Desmund while I was leading him.Desmund got angry and started kicking Tom.Tom didnÂ’t get the idea and kept annoying Desmund.Then Tom went after Skye and we were fine after that.

Oh, :/ They'll be fine after a bit just see how it is after a bit.Seems like Desmond is laying down the rules :)
Yep even though Desmund is the gelding.Tom keeps running up and down two fences.One backs onto another stallion,which that stallion keeps running up and down too.The other has a mare and a gelding in it.I know both people who own the horses and that field.

They will settle down after a while. I ended up putting a herd of 7 together and it took a while but they figured out the pecking order with my youngest gelding as the boss.
Desmund was always inc Harte of Jack and Desmund was younger.Tom is younger and a stallion so I would think Tom might be in charge.