Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Crisp, Clear, and Cool
Tue 08:45pm  
Stables Online:  107 
Lost Gems
looking for a upgrade
08:23:40 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-
08:10:00 Jacob
Anyone selling 3m upgrades please pm. I'm not Abe to be on much so I'm trying to catch someone while I'm actually here.
Legacy Leagues
08:08:24 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
Breezy Way Ranch
07:58:09 Red
-HEE Click-
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction!
Emmas Eventers
Horses for sale -HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
07:53:36 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Adopts for sale! 15k each!
Dash and Duchess
07:27:56 T1 Artist, W+ seller
WWW CcrC Zz SH girl by Atlas for sale, details below! She won't be able to be prioritized here so i'm looking to sell :)
-HEE Click-
Unwanted Ones
Hundreds of cheap brood mares in my stables
SS Warmbloods
WBs for sale in sale barn and yearlings barn must go

-HEE Click-

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Lost Gems
looking for a upgrade
08:23:40 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-
08:10:00 Jacob
Anyone selling 3m upgrades please pm. I'm not Abe to be on much so I'm trying to catch someone while I'm actually here.
Legacy Leagues
08:08:24 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
Breezy Way Ranch
07:58:09 Red
-HEE Click-
EEE - EWW multi breed color auction!
Emmas Eventers
Horses for sale -HEE Click-
Port Royal Equines
07:53:36 ISO Kratos Straws
-HEE Click-
Adopts for sale! 15k each!
Dash and Duchess
07:27:56 T1 Artist, W+ seller
WWW CcrC Zz SH girl by Atlas for sale, details below! She won't be able to be prioritized here so i'm looking to sell :)
-HEE Click-
Unwanted Ones
Hundreds of cheap brood mares in my stables
SS Warmbloods
WBs for sale in sale barn and yearlings barn must go

-HEE Click-

You must be a registered member for more
than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.


Horse Page

Hysteria Gohan WPP
WPP Registered Irish Draught Mare

→ Horse Eden is a fun game! Go To Front Page!


Hysteria Gohan WPP

Color: White
Horse Nbr: 36121440
Breed: Registered Irish Draught
Sex: Mare
Birthdate: November 4, 2023
Age: 17
Birth Year: 172
Height: 17.2 Hands

 Mallery Show Stables
Barn: Single W Mares 05

 The Lazy Ninja
Brand: None
Sire: Wildy White {WEE}
Dam: Hysteria Jama WEP
Foals This Year: 1
Bravery: Unknown (0%)

Sales History

Ridden by: Nobody
Training In: Dressage
Training Sessions: 14

Eventing Level: 2 Not Ready
Dressage Level: 2 Introductory
Cross Country Level: 2 Walk Trot
Jumping Level: 2 Walk Trot
Show Experience: 38

Training Gauge


Wk4 221122
Wk5 221222
Wk6 222222
Wk7 332222
Wk8 332223
Wk9 332333
Wk10 same
Wk11 442333
Wk12 443334
Wk13 443444
Wk14 543444

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