Auroras Of Ireland
09:15:41 Fawn (Mystic)
-HEE Click- EWW four year old unbred ISH mare. Cheapest on the market comes out of multi time TBLB and ABLB stallion Rave! Five of six up week four and AU week five!
Connally Stud
09:12:10 Senda
Auction happening now starting bid all 1K!
-HEE Click-
Angels angels
09:10:57 Will Buy Brindles!!
Selling one 1 momth or 3 month! Pm me!
Scarlet Rose Ridge
09:07:03 Scarlet
-HEE Click-
Scope glass for sale for 70k
Port Royal Equines
08:53:58 Bravery + Artist
-HEE Click-
EEE+ broods starting at 4k! Some are W producers. Take a chance!
Sterling Valley
08:50:26 Phoenix
EEW colt FA -HEE Click-
Sweet Dream Candies
08:49:37 Candy, SDC
-HEE Click-
Neverfade Manor
08:49:04 Storm
-HEE Click-

WWW PON LB mare with champagne. WWW SHLB splash mare. Many others. Reasonable offers considered for all
Legacy Leagues
08:47:00 Alyssa
WWW WB Freshie for next RO! Watch him for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To

WWW WB Future Freshie! Watch him for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch
Sterling Valley
08:41:41 Phoenix
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 Year: 188   Season: Spring   $: 0 Sun 09:19pm CST  
 Forecast: Heavy Rain

Horse Page

Special Promise
SPS Knabstrupper Mare

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Special Promise

Color: Cremello Roan Snowflake Appaloosa
Horse Nbr: 6943438
Breed: Knabstrupper
Sex: Mare
Birthdate: October 5, 2014
Age: Deceased
Birth Year: 63
Height: 16.1 Hands

 Rainbow Bridge


Breeder: Former Stable
Brand: None
Sire: GRS Lavender Moon
Dam: ξ SPP Mare 1/17
Foals This Year: 0
Bravery: Unknown (0%)

Sales History

Ridden by: Nobody
Training In: Cross Country
Training Sessions: 82

Eventing Level: 6 Intermediate Novice
Dressage Level: 4 Medium 1
Cross Country Level: 10 Schoolmaster
Jumping Level: 7 Advanced
Show Experience: 222

Training Gauge

 Managed Shows
Horse is Rated:
Dressage: Superb
Cross Country: Premium
Show Jumping: Superb

Color Rarity: 1 of 12

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