Sunni It's sorta a long story lol so 2 weeks ago March 6th I started getting stomach cramps/excessive vomiting, but assumed it was food poisioning, it didn't get better over the weekend so I assumed it was the nasty stomach bug going around that all my friends have/got and then I thought I got a tiny bit better, then on Mon (the 10th) the pain took a way worse turn, by Tue morning the pain was so bad I couldn't move I couldn't stand/walk etc that night we went to urgent care who called ER and just sent us there without really looking. They assumed it was my appendix so didn't rush at all, then they did a CT scan which when I rolled onto my back flat made me black out for like 5 min due to pain, 20 min later the got the results and went into surgery, they took 1/3 of my colon and my appendix out since it was so tangled. |